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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks

Monday and Wednesday Talks

Regular weekly talks given at the lower Spirit Rock meditation hall

Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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2010-11-17 Practicing with Intentions 46:52
Donald Rothberg
We explore 1) The nature of intentions, 2) The importance of intentions in our practice, 3) karma and intentions, and 4) how to practice with intentions.
2010-11-21 Hindrances and Such 56:19
Wes Nisker
2010-11-24 Cultivating Generosity and Gratitude 60:30
Donald Rothberg
We examine the nature of generosity and gratitude and both how to cultivate them , and what stands in the way of their expression through stories and teachings.
2010-11-29 Lovingkindness 63:03
Jack Kornfield
2010-12-08 Gradual and Immediate Awakening, I 63:16
Donald Rothberg
We explore the complementarity of gradual and immediate (or sudden) ways of practicing, with some experiential exercises.
2010-12-13 The 1906 Earth Quake 50:57
Norman Fischer
How to work with suffering & fear - How people in the Earthquake experienced it.
2010-12-15 Gradual and Immediate Awakening, II 60:49
Donald Rothberg
We look in more depth at the path of gradual awakening and its complimentary path and practice of immediate awakening, suggesting a variety of ways to practice.
2010-12-20 Winter Solstice 35:19
Jack Kornfield
Finding the amazing joy of living, renewed in mystery...
2010-12-22 Practicing with the Dark and the Light at the Winter Solstice: Talk and Ritual 55:39
Donald Rothberg
2010-12-27 Monday Night Meditation and Chant with Jennifer Berezen 67:33
Nina Wise
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