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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks

Monday and Wednesday Talks

Regular weekly talks given at the lower Spirit Rock meditation hall

Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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2011-05-02 The Common Denominator 55:06
Will Kabat-Zinn
2011-05-03 A Life of Truth 64:13
Eugene Cash
Understanding practice to include deep retreat and the entirety of life.
2011-05-04 Equanimity in Action II 63:07
Donald Rothberg
A continued exploration of the nature of equanimity, how we cultivate it in formal practice and in action. with a particular focus in the last part of the talk on "The Eight Worldly Winds"
2011-05-09 Mudita - Joy 55:16
Nina Wise
Joy as a rigorous practice - that changes the world. Ending with a chant by Jennifer Berezan
2011-05-11 Equanimity in Action III-Somatic Practices 63:34
Donald Rothberg
After a review of our first two sessions, we explore, both through an overview and through experiential exercises, bodily-based practices to help cultivate equanimity.
2011-05-16 Faith 56:31
Mark Coleman
What is faith? What role does faith play in Dharma practice? This talk explored levels of faith and how essential it is in guiding our practice.
2011-05-23 Your Buddha Nature 62:36
Jack Kornfield
On the 10 perfections of Buddha Nature
2011-05-25 Equanimity in Action IV - Committed Action, Non-Attachment to Outcome. 50:52
Donald Rothberg
After considering how cultivating equanimity helps us to release and find balance with our conditioned patterns, we explore the powerful principle expressed by T.S. Elliot as "Ours is in the trying, the rest is not our business."
2011-05-30 Wisdom 55:37
Mark Coleman
What is wisdom - How do we cultivate an experiential, lived wisdom in our lives, so we live wisely in our relationships with ourselves, each other and the world...
2011-06-01 The Heart that Feels 53:22
Oren Jay Sofer
Exploring the cultivation of the heart and empathy in the context of wise speech practice.
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