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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2023-11-26 Day 2, Morning Session, Part 1 46:59
Leela Sarti
Short Intro & Silent Meditation
Gaia House Sacred Sunday - A Day of Retreat, Deepening Presence (online series)

2023-11-26 Puja - Path of Fulfilment 23:47
Ajahn Sucitto
Moving into a new day, puja creates openness and sanctuary, recollecting the meaning of ‘Buddha’.
Bandar Utama Buddhist Society :  Training for Life

2023-11-26 Morning reflection 58:43
Jill Shepherd
Check in with body, heart in mind, notice the attitude to experience
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 2

2023-11-25 Guided Quan Yin Compassion Meditation (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 31:42
Suffusing the world with healing light
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Refuge, Resilience, Presence, and Love In Our Times

2023-11-25 Mudita 58:05
Tuere Sala
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 2

2023-11-25 4 nobles vérités 1:13:05
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight Retraite Pleine consciente et Dharma

2023-11-25 Quelques pensées sur l'effort juste et la pleine conscience 44:07
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight Retraite Pleine consciente et Dharma

2023-11-25 How to Relate to Multiple Teachers in our Practice 1:10:03
Ayya Santussika
Karuna Buddhist Vihara

2023-11-25 Puja - entering the blessed 28:39
Ajahn Sucitto
Puja/ honouring the sacred creates conditions for awakening. The group effort adds enormously, focusing on values and liberation, offering the opportunity to share an ongoing and ancient transmission.
Bandar Utama Buddhist Society :  Training for Life

2023-11-25 morning reflection: the best season of your life – (recording starts about four minutes from the beginning) 58:42
Brian Lesage
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 2

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