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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2025-01-10 Wise Effort: Aligning with Nature 57:23
Shelly Graf
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge

2025-01-10 The First Noble Truth and Recovery 69:03
Kevin Griffin
Meditation followed by dharma talk
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Dharma and Recovery

2025-01-10 Grounded, Loving, Spacious: Discernment with Thought - Mindful Movement & Guided Meditation 45:04
Gaia House Rest and Renewal

2025-01-10 Wisdom – which mountain and how to climb 48:45
Ajahn Sucitto

2025-01-10 Viriya (continued) - Contemplating Thought & Feeling : Mindful Movement & Meditation Instructions 1:15:03
Laura Bridgman
Gaia House Rest and Renewal

2025-01-10 Morning Instructions: First Foundation of the Body 68:17
Jeanne Corrigal
Brief talk followed by guided meditation on anchoring in body, sounds, or breath.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Mindfulness and Liberation – Foundations of Mindfulness-Based Approaches: Insight Meditation Retreat

2025-01-09 Viriya : Engagement, Curiousity, Lovingkindness 45:57
Laura Bridgman
Gaia House Rest and Renewal

2025-01-09 Radiant Kindness : Mindful Movement & Guided Meditation (Mettā Parami) 58:44
Nathan Glyde
Gaia House Rest and Renewal

2025-01-09 The Welcome Vihara 46:25
Ajahn Sucitto

2025-01-09 Generous & Connected Attention : Mindful Movement & Meditation Instructions 1:12:07
Gaia House Rest and Renewal

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