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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2018-04-03 Vertrauen lernen 58:59
Yuka Nakamura
Vertrauen, saddha ist eine wichtige Qualität auf dem Weg, die uns ermöglicht uns auf die Praxis einzulassen und bei Schwierigkeiten dranzubleiben, und sie schenkt uns den Mut, uns für das Unbekannte zu öffnen. Wir können Vertrauen bewusst nähren und zum Wachsen bringen.
Meditationszentrum Beatenberg 9-day Insight Meditation Retreat

2018-04-03 Solitude 22:21
Kim Allen
Insight Santa Cruz

2018-04-02 The Five Spiritual Faculties - Week 4 - Meditation 28:58
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Buddhist Studies Course - The Five Spiritual Faculties - The Engine of Awakening: Faith, Effort, Mindfulness, Concentration, and Wisdom

2018-04-02 Balance Itself as the Object 22:09
Kim Allen
Insight Santa Cruz

2018-04-01 A Path of Free-ness 41:56
Martin Aylward
This talk looks at different freedoms - social, worldly and spiritual, and explores Buddhas 3-fold training of Conduct, Meditation and Wisdom as a path of freeness.
Gaia House The Art of Living Freely

2018-04-01 Refinement of Abiding - Talk 40:58
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2018-04-01 Refinement of Abiding - Meditation 37:25
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2018-03-31 Journey to Inner Space - Understanding Functions of the Mind 47:30
Martin Aylward
In this talk, Maritn disambiguates various terms of meditative awareness in both English and Pali, helping to refine the way we meet and explore experience: Consciousness, Awareness, Presence, Attention, Vinnana, Sampajanna, Sati, Yonisomanisikara, Samadhi, Vitaka, Vichara, Viveka.
Gaia House The Art of Living Freely

2018-03-31 Addiction to Busyness - Part 2 - Talk 34:50
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center

2018-03-31 Addiction to Busyness - Part 3 - Meditation 25:56
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center

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