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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2018-03-31 Addiction to Busyness - Part 4 - Talk 33:37
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center

2018-03-31 Der zweite Pfeil. Vedana erkennen und verstehen. 60:24
Yuka Nakamura
Ausgehend vom Sutta über den Pfeil beleuchtet der Vortrag die zentrale Rolle von Vedana (Gefühlstönungen) und der Reaktion darauf in der Entstehung von Leiden. Indem wir die Vergänglichkeit von Vedana erkennen, gewinnen wir innere Freiheit.
Meditationszentrum Beatenberg 9-day Insight Meditation Retreat

2018-03-31 PM-01-guided-meditation 43:57
Kevin Griffin
New York Insight Meditation Center Living Kindness: Buddhist Teachings for a Troubled World

2018-03-31 PM-02-group-share-after-dyad 28:56
Kevin Griffin
New York Insight Meditation Center Living Kindness: Buddhist Teachings for a Troubled World

2018-03-31 PM-03-discussing-the-simile-of-the-saw-sutta 35:58
Kevin Griffin
New York Insight Meditation Center Living Kindness: Buddhist Teachings for a Troubled World

2018-03-31 PM-04-discussing-the-metta-sutta 20:18
Kevin Griffin
New York Insight Meditation Center Living Kindness: Buddhist Teachings for a Troubled World

2018-03-31 PM-05-guided-meditation+concluding-daylong 11:01
Kevin Griffin
New York Insight Meditation Center Living Kindness: Buddhist Teachings for a Troubled World

2018-03-31 AM-01-brief-overview 11:17
Kevin Griffin
New York Insight Meditation Center Living Kindness: Buddhist Teachings for a Troubled World

2018-03-31 AM-02-mindfulness-Guided-meditation 42:32
Kevin Griffin
New York Insight Meditation Center Living Kindness: Buddhist Teachings for a Troubled World

2018-03-31 AM-03-qa-tm-vs-mindfulness-kindness-and-conflict-of-achieving 26:07
Kevin Griffin
New York Insight Meditation Center Living Kindness: Buddhist Teachings for a Troubled World

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