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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2024-07-13 The Crux of Delusion 1:10:44
Ayya Santussika
At 55 minutes, a participant offered some comments but asked that their audio be removed. Ayya's answer remains. Here is a summary of what the participant said: They reflected on Ajahn Anan's teaching of developing the Paramis over lifetimes to be ready to fully receive / understand the Dhamma and fully let go. They go on to express surprise, and some frustration, that they can be so inspired by Dhamma one evening and then so lost in anger the next morning. They also share that this session with the KBV community and the teachings instantly took them back out of the anger.
Karuna Buddhist Vihara

2024-07-13 Talk 2 - Day 2 Morning 4 Categories _ BVs _ Metta overview and practice overview 43:51
Tina Rasmussen
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center The Heart Practices: Purification of the Heart

2024-07-12 Exploring the Three Characteristics - Meditation 27:32
Tuere Sala
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2024-07-12 Exploring the Three Characteristics - Talk 65:15
Tuere Sala
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2024-07-12 Talk 1 - Day 1 Eve - Bramaviharas Retreat Overview - Logistics 1:24:19
Tina Rasmussen
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center The Heart Practices: Purification of the Heart

2024-07-12 Dharma and Recovery 1:15:16
Kevin Griffin
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Dharma and Recovery

2024-07-12 Sitting with Dhamma Instructions (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 44:47
Ralph Steele
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Four Noble Truths and Dependent Origination: Are They Still Applicable?

2024-07-11 Reflections and Guided Metta Practice 32:30
Sayadaw U Jagara
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge Forest Refuge -July 2024

2024-07-11 Evening Puja, Meditation and Dhamma Teaching (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 1:50:40
Jill Satterfield
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Four Noble Truths and Dependent Origination: Are They Still Applicable?

2024-07-10 Enthusiasm, Clear Knowing, and Contentment in our Practice 43:24
Andrea Castillo
This talk will focus on enthusiasm, clear knowing, and contentment, three beautiful qualities originating from the Satipatthana refrain. We'll explore how to cultivate them as part of the body contemplations.
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

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