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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2023-08-30 Opening Session (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 1:25:38
James Baraz, Eve Decker, Howard Cohn, Terry Vandiver, Tuere Sala
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Labor Day Insight Retreat

2023-08-30 Meditation: Vipassana – The Practice of Seeing Clearly 18:08
Tara Brach
Vipassana, also known as insight meditation, is training in bringing a clear mindful attention to our moment to moment experience. We begin by relaxing through the body and then resting attention with the breath – or some other sensory anchor – and allowing the mind to settle. Then we open to whatever is predominant or calling our attention – sensations, emotions, sounds – meeting each arising experience with a clear, kind attention. The gift of this process is discovering balance in the midst of the changing flow, and gaining deep insight into the nature of reality.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2023-08-30 The Honesty Challenge – Getting More Truthful with Ourselves and Our World 50:24
Tara Brach
Most of us value honesty yet are not aware of how regularly we avoid facing what’s difficult inside us, and how we are less than truthful with others. This talk explores the practice of radical self-honesty as the grounds of being more honest with others, and bringing more love and freedom to our lives. We close with a quote by Danna Faulds from her book:
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2023-08-30 Listen to More-Than-Human Authorities and Awaken to a Larger Context 47:43
Ayya Santacitta
Short Reflection & Guided Meditation | Earthworm Practice for the Anthropocene | Online Wednesday-Mornings
Aloka Earth Room

2023-08-30 Wisdom and Compassion Working Together - Part 1 - Talk 30:34
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Labor Day Retreat

2023-08-30 Wisdom and Compassion Working Together - Part 1 - Meditation 30:44
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Labor Day Retreat

2023-08-30 27 meditation: exploring the insubstantiality of experience 52:25
Jill Shepherd
Beginning with physical sensations, knowing them as impermanent and insubstantial, then opening to sounds and mental activity; simply recognising experiences being known, without identifying with them as I, me, or mine
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Two-week insight meditation retreat

2023-08-29 26 talk: An overview of the Five Clinging-Aggregates, based on the Phena Sutta 34:30
Willa Thaniya Reid
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Two-week insight meditation retreat

2023-08-29 Tuesday Tune In 57:43
Class with meditation and talk.
Dassanāya Buddhist Community

2023-08-29 Tuesday Tune In (en español) 51:11
Interpretación simultánea para el programa virtual esta noche y todos los martes.
Dassanāya Buddhist Community

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