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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2023-07-21 Friday's Sitting Meditation with Instructions & Questions/ Responses 1:13:08
Joseph Goldstein
Focus: Breath & Introduction to Walking Instructions
Spirit Rock Meditation Center July Insight Meditation Retreat

2023-07-21 Morning Reflections #18: Liberating the Mind (Step 12) 35:58
Sayadaw U Jagara
Three ways offered to practice this step; (1) Receiving the Dhamma as the most priceless gift, illustrated in the story of King Bimbisara to Pukkusati. (2) Seeing the six sense bases as they really are without clinging. (3) Time - the present without me, myself and mine.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge July 2023

2023-07-21 Friday's Early Morning Meditation 46:00
Roxanne Dault
Spirit Rock Meditation Center July Insight Meditation Retreat

2023-07-20 The 4 Spiritual Centers and the 4 Instinctual Drives--The Moh Transpersonal Center and the Enlightenment Drive 1:25:12
Tina Rasmussen
Insight Meditation Tucson

2023-07-20 Closing comments - value of the five precepts 13:21
Ajahn Sucitto, Laura Bridgman
We are always in the centre of our lives, always present, always here.
Gaia House Unrestricted Awareness

2023-07-20 Morning Reflections #17: Concentrating the Mind 44:45
Nikki Mirghafori
A guided practice to center, calm and collect the mind by abiding with clear comprehension and mindfulness, without desire and grief for the world.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge July 2023

2023-07-20 The Five Aggregates of Clinging 50:11
Kevin Griffin
Kevin uses suttas from the Pali Canon to bring out the practical aspects of this teaching.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

2023-07-20 Noticing the mobile and animate signal of the body 25:22
Ajahn Sucitto
We use our attention as if it’s a bird finding a place to land and find stable ground.
Gaia House Unrestricted Awareness

2023-07-19 Q&A 41:31
Ajahn Sucitto, Laura Bridgman
Questions are précised; one live question (Q3) was précised and read into the file: 00:08 Q1 Could you say a few words about dealing with traumatic memories or body memories. 13:47 Q2 I fear that I am not able to connect with non-self. Can you say more about non-self. 20:27 Q3 When I was sitting my timer went off and there was a vague voice that was encouraging and reassuring me that whatever issues I face can be resolved. I find this very exciting. What do you think is happening here?28:34 Q4 If a part of our being nature gets accessed by a higher paced energy, can sati and a slower mode of being lead to loosing access to sides of our being?
Gaia House Unrestricted Awareness

2023-07-19 Liberation Through Non-clinging 46:28
Greg Scharf
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

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