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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2013-09-14 Opening Talk 1:20:22
Noah Levine
This talk also includes JoAnna Harper
Gaia House Awakening the Heart Through Training the Mind

2013-09-13 Renunciation / Letting Go 66:18
Bhante Buddharakkhita
Renunciation is a gateway to awakening. Through letting go of greed hatred and delusion, we can experience true happiness and ultimate liberation.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three Month - Part 1

2013-09-13 Transformation and Relinquishment of Afflictive Emotions 1:10:18
Marcia Rose
Exploring a few of the difficult or afflictive states of mind that arise in our human experience...fear, anger, unwholesome desire and attachment; also exploring some of the ways the Buddha encourages us to work with them in our practice, in the light of purification and the liberation of the mind and heart.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge September 2013 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2013-09-13 Guided Metta Meditation 61:52
Winnie Nazarko
Some overview comments about Metta (loving kindness), followed by real time meditation instruction for this practice. Q&A afterwards
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three Month - Part 1

2013-09-13 Dharma & Recovery, Step 9, part 2 of 2 38:54
Kevin Griffin
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2013-09-13 Dharma & Recovery, Step 9, part 1 of 2 66:39
Kevin Griffin
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2013-09-12 A Star at Dawn: A Buddhist Perspective on Loss 49:16
James Baraz
Although impermanence is the underlying reality of existence, we have trouble accepting loss especially of those we love. The Buddha said to contemplate every day that we will be separated from everyone and everything near and dear to us. This talk explores why and how to do that.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley IMCB Regular Talks

2013-09-12 Wise Mindfulness 57:55
Andrea Fella
The Buddha encouraged us to cultivate wise mindfulness, which is more than simply being aware. This talk explores some of the qualities that support wise mindfulness.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three Month - Part 1

2013-09-11 Opening Night - 3 Month Retreat 62:35
Carol Wilson
Refuges and Precepts
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three Month - Part 1

2013-09-11 Peace Work 1:22:36
Tara Brach
The hope for inner and world peace lies in our evolutionary capacity to shift from Fight-Flight-Freeze reactivity to responding to aggravation with Attend-Befriend. This talk explores the three elements on this path of awakening that support us in this transformation: Remembering our true aspiration; taking full responsibility (for whatever arises in our experience) and widening the circles of our caring to include all beings.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks

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