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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2011-05-19 Relational Dharma 1:22:14
Gregory Kramer
Guest Dharma Talk
Common Ground Meditation Center

2011-05-19 Embodying Passion Through Expression 53:52
James Baraz
There is a certain aliveness that comes when we speak honestly in a vulnerable, yet clear communication. It aligns us with our truth and we become authentic and wisely powerful. But it's often not easy to do that. I've based this talk on my son Adam's final thesis from Naropa University where he recently graduated with a B.A. in somatic and contemplative psychology. I was quite impressed and moved by it. It made me think. I wanted to share it as we explore Wise Speech together.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley IMCB Regular Talks

2011-05-19 Five Gangs of Attachment 29:52
Jason Murphy
Insight Santa Cruz

2011-05-18 Stepping Out of Time 1:14:55
Tara Brach
We spend much of our life on our way somewhere else, driven by the sense that something is missing or wrong. This talk explores the suffering that arises from our addiction to busyness and "doing," and the healing, loving and wisdom that arise when we take refuge in presence.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks

2011-05-18 Emotions, Thoughts and the 4 Foundations of Mindfulness 63:00
Gil Fronsdal
Spirit Rock Meditation Center May Insight Meditation Retreat

2011-05-18 6. The Ethical Psychology of the Buddha 43:39
Bhante Bodhidhamma
Gaia House Mahasi 9 Day Retreat

2011-05-18 The reason Why We Steady The Mind To Open To Insight 62:16
Bob Stahl
The heart and essence of the Dharma is to realize the four noble truths and the characteristics of existence. How we realize this is by walking along the eight fold path.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Steadying the Mind, Opening to Insight

2011-05-18 Allowing Feeling States to Move 54:54
Mark Nunberg
Dharma Talk
Common Ground Meditation Center

2011-05-17 Four Foundations Of Mindfulness In Breath Meditation. 45:49
Richard Shankman
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Steadying the Mind, Opening to Insight

2011-05-17 Stepping out of Grasping and Rejection into Freedom 51:51
Sharda Rogell
When we step back from the difficult patterns of mind with awareness and kindness, we find the first blush of freedom from non-suffering.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center May Insight Meditation Retreat

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