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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2010-03-05 Lay and Monastic Practice 37:33
Amma Thanasanti
Denver Dharma Punx
Shakti Vihara

2010-03-05 Questions and Answers 17:43
Amma Thanasanti
Denver Dharma Punx
Shakti Vihara

2010-03-04 Patience, The Highest Virtue 55:13
Kamala Masters
The benefits and strong support of remembering to be patient with your practice from beginning to complete liberation.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge March 2010 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2010-03-04 The Hindrances 53:43
Gil Fronsdal
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March 2010 Month Long

2010-03-04 Confession of Buddhist Atheist (Book launch, hosted by Tricycle Magazine and New York Insight) 1:20:02
Stephen Batchelor
Stephen’s new book, "Confession of a Buddhist Atheist", tells the story of his thirty-seven-year quest to understand the meaning of Buddhism. It recounts his life as a monk in India and Korea and concludes with his search to discover the historical Buddha. Stephen talks about the writing of the book and reads selected passages.
New York Insight Meditation Center New York Insight 2010 Talks

2010-03-04 Opening Talk for Being Who You Are Retreat 37:11
Leela Sarti
Gaia House Being Who you Are

2010-03-04 To Fall Awake 47:13
Leela Sarti
Gaia House Being Who you Are

2010-03-03 Trusting Your Basic Goodness 1:12:58
Tara Brach
When we don't trust who we are, we are unable to be at home in our world. This talk explores how we come to be at war with ourselves and the pathway to realizing our basic goodness.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks

2010-03-03 Mindfulness of the Body and Why It Is So Important 60:28
Donald Rothberg
Mindfulness of the body is absolutely fundamental for our practice and was for the Buddha, both a starting point and an end point. We explore (1) why mindfulness of the body is crucial both in the Buddha's teaching and especially in our highly mental culture; (2) how we practice mindfulness of breathing and mindfulness of postures and activities; and (3) how mindfulness of the body works to transform us.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March 2010 Month Long

2010-03-03 Awakening Joy 60:59
James Baraz
Guest Dharma Talk
Common Ground Meditation Center

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