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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2009-08-05 Practicing with the Eight Worldly Winds, pt 2 58:33
Donald Rothberg
We continue to explore 1) being mindful when a wind is present; 2) the nature of the winds; 3) responding skilfully. We add an emphasis on resting in what is deeper and examine several issues that arise in practicing with the winds
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2009-08-04 Once, Long Ago (1 of 2) 46:43
Rodney Smith
Making sense of our spiritual journey as we look to two historic events.
Seattle Insight Meditation Society

2009-08-03 Working with the Inner Critic 61:01
Mark Coleman
How to work with judgement & free yourself from the torment of the critic
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2009-08-02 Awakening/Enlightenment 39:10
Amita Schmidt
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Investigating Life: Insight Meditation Retreat for 18-32 Year Olds

2009-08-02 Uncovering the Good Heart 57:25
Mark Nunberg
Dharma Talk
Common Ground Meditation Center

2009-08-02 Purgatory 43:33
Rodney Smith
We arrest our growth by refusing to show up for each moment, despite evidence that there is no other moment to live.
Seattle Insight Meditation Society

2009-08-02 Guided Meditation 44:58
Ajahn Sucitto
Cittaviveka Vassa Retreat

2009-08-01 Practice in the World: Right Speech 51:16
Joseph Goldstein
Right speech, the third step on the 8-fold Noble Path, is more than a set of ethical guidelines for living in the world. It is the practice of speech in the service of liberation.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Insight Meditation

2009-08-01 Dukkha Unsatisfactoriness et al 50:49
Bhante Bodhidhamma
date estimated
Satipanya Retreat Centre

2009-08-01 Metta: Digging A Good Trench In The Heart 54:49
Anushka Fernandopulle
Explains cultivating the heart of well-wishing and other heart practices.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Investigating Life: Insight Meditation Retreat for 18-32 Year Olds

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