This is a collection of talks and guided meditations given at Insight Meditation South Bay on the ten paramis of generosity, virtue, renunciation, wisdom, energy or effort, patience, truthfulness, determination, loving-kindness and equanimity.
Loving Kindness, friendliness (metta) is a clear intention and attitude of heart that supports a connected and joyful encounter with life. Metta is not sentimentality; it is not affection or attachment. It is a strong quality of heart that overcomes ill will, hatred, fear, and anger. Loving kindness practice is a way to take responsibility for our own happiness; it is a way to cultivate an attitude to life that supports deep friendship.
A collection of four talks on the immeasurable and boundless qualities of heart known as the Brahma Viharas: loving kindness/friendliness, compassion, joy, equanimity.
The life of the body is a tether to moment to moment experience. Cultivating an enlarged awareness, infused with kindness, plus directly contacting sensations, allows us to be with unpleasant sensations we often call "pain"
The role of concentration is central to the Buddha’s teaching. This can be seen by the emphasis placed on it in some of the key Buddhist lists, such as the Noble Eightfold Path, the Five Spiritual Faculties, the Seven Factors Of Awakening and the 12 links of Transcendent Dependent Arising. This talk looks at the qualities we can develop in our practice that support concentration, such as faith, mindfulness, happiness and contentment.