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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2023-06-25 SN 35:28 | Burning ~ the Fire Sermon 45:04
Ayya Santussika
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies Skillful Living in a World on Fire: Grounded in the Noble Eightfold Path

2023-06-25 Discovering and cultivating a tenacity of purpose 37:35
Ajahn Sucitto
Forms and our responses to them are always arising and passing away, including the form called "retreat". The learning that comes from using these forms is independent of these changes. It requires our tenacity.
Moulin de Chaves Regaining the Centre

2023-06-25 05 meditation: feeling tone and responses 30:18
Willa Thaniya Reid
Auckland Insight Meditation Online meditation day: Exploring vedanā or feeling-tone

2023-06-25 04 meditation: exploring feeling-tone in relation to sounds 31:30
Jill Shepherd
Exploring feeling-tone in relation to hearing: noticing pleasant, unpleasant and neutral feeling-tones and releasing any tendency to move into reactivity
Auckland Insight Meditation Online meditation day: Exploring vedanā or feeling-tone

2023-06-25 Q&A 48:35
Ajahn Sucitto
Questions are précised - 00:15 Q1 What’s the difference between QiGong and standing meditation? 02:34 Q2 Is there a specific QiGong for meditation? 03:00 Q3 What is the proper balance between sitting, standing and walking? 04:49 Q4 Can you speak more about the forms of knowing described in the satipatanna sutta? 20:38 Q5 What’s a helpful sequence of steps to take in a meditation?28:16 Q6 I find a lot of energy goes into the head when I meditate. What do you suggest? 30:20 Q7 Normally I find in my meditation there is a subtle feeling of pushing or trying. If that is acknowledged there is more of a sense of flowing and playfulness. How can I cultivate this more consistently? 33:36 Q8 I had a very nice walking meditation experience with gratitude and opening. Then there were feelings of fragility and vulnerability. What can you advise? 36:01 Q9 I find myself getting very frozen or locked when I go into my job responsibilities. What’s happening here? 39:19 Q10 We talk about safety and feeling secure. I think this attachment is not the same as the attachment we talks about in Buddhism. What do you think?
Moulin de Chaves Regaining the Centre

2023-06-25 02 meditation: feeling-tone in relation to embodied experience 30:36
Willa Thaniya Reid
Auckland Insight Meditation Online meditation day: Exploring vedanā or feeling-tone

2023-06-25 01 short opening talk and guided meditation establishing the theme of exploring feeling-tone 32:06
Jill Shepherd, Elizabeth Day, Willa Thaniya Reid
Auckland Insight Meditation Online meditation day: Exploring vedanā or feeling-tone

2023-06-25 Walking Meditation 5:59
Ajahn Sucitto
Moulin de Chaves Regaining the Centre

2023-06-25 Challenging the 'me' of experience 45:29
Ajahn Sucitto
Centring ourselves in the middle way, between extremes of indulgence or denial allows us to observe and moderate our responses to sense phenomena, especially thought.
Moulin de Chaves Regaining the Centre

2023-06-24 Teachings, Mettā Meditation 67:08
Leigh Brasington
Gaia House Jhanas, Insight, and Dependent Origination

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