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Dharma Talks
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2022-11-23 Meditation: Touching Peace 21:56
Tara Brach
This guided meditation offers a pathway to quieting our mind and calming anxiety. We begin with long deep breathing, and with the breath, engage the image of a smile and relax through the body. Then we practice resting in relaxed awareness, allowing waves of thoughts, feelings and sensations to come and go.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2022-11-23 A Grateful, Giving, Happy Heart 51:46
Tara Brach
Gratitude is like breathing in – letting ourselves be touched by the goodness in others and in our world. Generosity is like breathing out – sensing our mutual belonging and offering our care. When we are awake and whole, breathing in and out happens naturally. But these beautiful expressions of our heart become blocked when we are dominated by the fear and grasping of our survival brain. This talk explores how we can facilitate the evolution of consciousness with the deliberate cultivation of generosity, and ends with a guided meditation on gratitude and generosity.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2022-10-19 Meditation on Mindful Awareness of Breathing 50:55
Ajahn Sucitto
Meditation instructions are often interpreted as paying pointed attention. But wide attention allows energy and mind to decompress. Cultivating a cool awareness of the body is the key to this.
Meditationszentrum Beatenberg Love is the Breath of Life

2022-10-07 Kindfulness of Breathing Guided Meditation 38:50
Ayya Santussika
Bellingham Insight Meditation Society :  Embracing Change, Mastering Letting Go

2022-08-28 07 meditation: mindfulness of breathing 27:24
Jill Shepherd
Beginning by steadying awareness on the simple rhythm of breathing, then refining mindfulness on the details of the breath
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Healing the heart, refining the mind, finding freedom

2022-08-24 Meditation: Breath by Breath 22:37
Tara Brach
Our breath can be a home base that allows us to meet life with a relaxed, wakeful presence. This meditation helps us calm and settle the mind with long deep breathing, and then establishes a mindful presence with our natural breathing. When distracted, we learn to relax back again and again, learning the pathway of homecoming to the aliveness, openness and mystery that is always Here.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2022-08-18 Orienting Towards Breath Concentration (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 57:37
Tempel Smith
After our initial work to begin meditation on in and out breathing we can further relax with total faith into immersion with breathing awareness. Some gentle supporting techniques of counting can be helpful, as well as welcoming an attitude of devotion and patience to support breathing as a sanctuary.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Cultivating Concentration

2022-08-03 Meditation: Living Presence 19:54
Tara Brach
The pathway to experiencing full aliveness and openheartedness is by awakening awareness throughout the body. This meditation begins by establishing a rhythmic inflow and outflow of the breath, in order to calm and collect the mind. Then continuing with the conscious breathing, we are guided through the body – bringing attention to sensations and space. This attention becomes a very vibrant living presence, and we end by experiencing that living presence as a natural openheartedness that includes all of life.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2022-07-20 Meditation: The Breath – Portal to Presence 15:31
Tara Brach
The meditation starts with breathing mindfully to collect and calm the body and mind. Then we open our attention to include the changing flow in a spacious natural presence.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2022-07-13 Reflection: four channels and their tasks 53:23
Akincano Marc Weber
Guided Meditation and qualities of breathing
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Cultivation – Investigation – Contemplation

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