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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2022-02-19 Reflection on Patience 51:31
Marcia Rose
Mountain Hermitage 2 Week ONLINE Samatha-Vipassana Retreat for Experienced Students

2022-02-18 32 meditation: spaciousness 30:12
Jill Shepherd
Beginning with the body, then gradually opening up awareness to include the space beyond the body
Auckland Insight Meditation Cultivation and Insight

2022-02-18 Equanimity 61:28
James Baraz
Equanimity is always the last on every list, which shows its importance as the culmination of the mind that can be with all things. Cultivating a balance and centeredness in the midst of our joys and sorrows, we can know the peace that the Buddha encourages us to experience.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Insight Meditation 1 Month Retreat

2022-02-18 Mettā meditation for small creatures, Dhamma talk on Ahirājasutta (The Snake King), Q+A 1:22:11
Bhante Sujato
Mettā for mosquitoes. Mettā meditation for small creatures led by Bhante Sujato. Dhamma talk on AN 4.67 Ahirājasutta (The Snake King). Q+A: The first nun.
Lokanta Vihara

2022-02-18 Die Khandhas und Nicht-Selbst 62:14
Yuka Nakamura
Obwohl wir normalerweise von der Existenz eines festen, unabhängigen Selbst ausgehen, lässt sich ein solches nicht finden. Diese Illusion entsteht durch das Anhaften an den fünf Khandhas (Daseinsgruppen), die Identifikation mit dem Körper, den Gefühlstönungen, der Wahrnehmung, den Willensregungen und dem Bewusstsein als 'ich', 'mein' oder 'mein Selbst'. Indem wir erkennen, wie das Selbst geschaffen wird, werden wir frei von einer fixierten Identität.
Seminarhaus Engl

2022-02-18 Dhamma Talk - Wise Concentration 1:23:55
Marcia Rose
Mountain Hermitage 2 Week ONLINE Samatha-Vipassana Retreat for Experienced Students

2022-02-18 31 talk: insight into not-self 46:08
Gil Fronsdal
Learning to see more clearly what takes us out of the stream of the present moment, and how preoccupation with self-referencing keeps us stuck
Auckland Insight Meditation Cultivation and Insight

2022-02-18 30 instructions: awareness of awareness p2 5:45
Gil Fronsdal
Simplicity of awareness highlights what is extra and not needed, for example ideas of me, my and mine
Auckland Insight Meditation Cultivation and Insight

2022-02-18 29 meditation: awareness of awareness 35:39
Gil Fronsdal
Cultivating simple, clear and spacious presence
Auckland Insight Meditation Cultivation and Insight

2022-02-18 Die sieben Erwachungsfaktoren ~ Vertiefen & Erweitern von Erfahrung 31:24
Ayya Santacitta
Geführte Meditation | Aloka-Dharma-Zoom
Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery

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