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Dharma Talks
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2021-07-09 Mettā meditation, "fireside chat" 1:26:03
Bhante Sujato, Bhante Akāliko
Mettā meditation led by Bhante Sujato, "fireside chat" in celebration of Bhante Akāliko's 6th anniversary of going forth! Book link:
Lokanta Vihara

2021-07-09 Metta/Lovingkindness and Purification of negative mental factors 53:48
Bonnie Duran
Metta/Lovingkindness practice strengthens wholesome mental factors and allows us to see more clearly our negative mental factors. Seeing more clearly an important source of our suffering, hate/aversion, we are able to work more directly for our own and others' happiness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center "July Lovingkindness Retreat" with Tempel Smith, Bonnie Duran, MPH, DrPH, John Martin, Sally Armstrong, Marcy Reynolds and Kristina Baré, MFT, SEP

2021-07-08 Metta for Easy Being & Self: Instructions & Guided Meditation 47:37
John Martin
Spirit Rock Meditation Center "July Lovingkindness Retreat" with Tempel Smith, Bonnie Duran, MPH, DrPH, John Martin, Sally Armstrong, Marcy Reynolds and Kristina Baré, MFT, SEP

2021-07-07 What We're Doing with Our Metta Practice and Why It Matters 57:44
John Martin
Spirit Rock Meditation Center "July Lovingkindness Retreat" with Tempel Smith, Bonnie Duran, MPH, DrPH, John Martin, Sally Armstrong, Marcy Reynolds and Kristina Baré, MFT, SEP

2021-07-07 Metta/Lovingkindness from our Benefactors and Ancestors 34:12
Bonnie Duran
This is a guided meditation with Benefactors…..Lovingkindness is an important mental factor for our everyday lives and for Dharma practice. It promotes happiness in ourselves and those all around us. It is a mental attitude of enlightened beings… Non-duality- All my relations. Our ancestors wanted the best for us.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center "July Lovingkindness Retreat" with Tempel Smith, Bonnie Duran, MPH, DrPH, John Martin, Sally Armstrong, Marcy Reynolds and Kristina Baré, MFT, SEP

2021-07-07 Simple Metta Breathing and Metta Body Scan 40:12
Tempel Smith
To form the foundation for loving-kindness meditation we invite the attitude of kindness, calm, and simplicity to our breath and body awareness. For many, this is the most simple and suitable metta meditation, and once embodied this metta meditation becomes the basis for radiating healthy lovingkindness to our selves and all beings. This is also the meditative foundation to ripen the five jhana factors leading to full absorption.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center "July Lovingkindness Retreat" with Tempel Smith, Bonnie Duran, MPH, DrPH, John Martin, Sally Armstrong, Marcy Reynolds and Kristina Baré, MFT, SEP

2021-07-02 Guided Metta Practice and Discussion - Meditation 54:19
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Monthly Lovingkindness Practice Group

2021-07-02 Guided Metta Practice and Discussion - Talk 34:21
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Monthly Lovingkindness Practice Group

2021-06-20 Getting to Know How the Mind Works 41:06
Ayya Santacitta
Guided Meditation on the Seven Factors of Awakening & Metta | Canmore Theravada Buddhist Community
Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery

2021-06-20 Metta is the Result of Going Through the Fire of Craving 25:18
Ayya Santacitta
Canmore Theravada Buddhist Community
Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery

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