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Dharma Talks
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2021-06-13 The Five Elements & Metta 46:13
Ayya Santacitta
Guided Meditation | Seattle Theravada Buddhist Community
Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery

2021-06-12 Guided Metta for oneself, benefactor, and dear friend 44:51
Kamala Masters
Guided Metta Meditation for oneself, benefactor, and good friend
Twin Cities Vipassana Collective

2021-06-12 Guided Metta for oneself, benefactor , Deasr friend, Neutral person, and difficult person 45:03
Kamala Masters
Twin Cities Vipassana Collective TCVC summer 2021 retreat

2021-06-11 Mettā meditation, Q&A 1:23:36
Bhante Sujato, Bhante Akāliko
At Harris Park – Mettā meditation guided by Bhante Akāliko; Q + A session: eg. Bhante Sujato on stream-entry in lay life, Bhante Akāliko on being joyful
Lokanta Vihara

2021-06-10 Temporary Liberation of the Mind 40:31
Ayya Santacitta
Guided Meditation Earth element, Metta, Knowing, Impermanence
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center

2021-06-08 Lovingkindness to Self and Benefactor 46:24
Debra Chamberlin-Taylor
Metta Practice
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Awakening Joy: Opening to Your Natural State of Well-Being

2021-06-05 Guided Mettā Practice with Intro 43:20
Zohar Lavie
Offering kindness towards an easy relationship and to oneself
Gaia House Meeting Uncertainty with Wisdom and Courage: Perennial Teachings for a Changing World

2021-06-04 Mettā meditation, Q&A 1:20:28
Bhante Sujato, Bhante Akāliko
At Harris Park – Mettā meditation guided by Bhante Akāliko; Q + A session with Bhante Sujato on translating "sankhārā" and on conversations with members of other religions
Lokanta Vihara

2021-06-04 Day 6 Q&A1 34:29
Ajahn Sucitto
Is citta able to verbalize/understand words; citta’s role in nightmares; differences between hindrances and fetters; is cultivating bhavana or khanti better for burning off defilements; a lot of pain in the body caused movement in meditation disrupting energy; cultivating mētta; alternative healing methods; startled out of the body when bell rings; locating ancestral exclusions in the body; understanding workings of mind from Abhidhamma perspective vs. contemplation of 4 foundations of mindfulness for realizing non-self; accessing solar plexus during meditation; finding firmness when touching into open spaciousness; musician is torn between music and meditation.
Cittaviveka Clearing the Floods - Dealing with Internal and External Overload

2021-06-01 Heart and Mind in Harmony Retreat - Day 2 - Metta 47:37
Kim Allen
Insight Santa Cruz Heart and Mind in Harmony

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