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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2022-01-06 32 meditation: mudita as appreciation for outer conditions and inner qualities 29:13
Jill Shepherd
Beginning by acknowledging what we can appreciate about the outer conditions of being on retreat, then orienting to the skilful inner qualities that have been strengthened, specifically the seven factors of awakening
Sydney Insight Meditators :  Healing the heart, refining the mind, finding freedom

2022-01-06 31 instructions: mudita p2 6:57
Jill Shepherd
As the retreat comes to a close, noticing the tendency for the mind to go into future thinking, and come back to abiding in the skilful qualities that have been developed here, specifically mudita as a form of appreciation or gratitude
Sydney Insight Meditators :  Healing the heart, refining the mind, finding freedom

2022-01-06 Gratification, Danger, Escape, Right View Regarding the Mind 37:39
Ajahn Sucitto
We all participate in this generated ‘me’ experience, which is of being ‘in here’ afflicted by the world ‘out there’. But we can come to understand this scenario as conditions with causes and effects. We can cultivate the basis for contentment, for love, tolerance, acceptance, gladness. There is a Path.
Cittaviveka 2022 Winter Retreat Opening Group Practice

2022-01-05 Dukkha and the End of Dukkha 43:22
Chas DiCapua
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

2022-01-05 Finding True Refuge: Pathways of Remembering 56:00
Tara Brach
This talk explores the three archetypal refuges of awareness (Buddha-nature), truth (Dharma) and love (Sangha) through stories, illustrations and reflections. We end with a Refuge ceremony that can be done by anyone who feels drawn. (To participate you will need a 20” red string.)
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2022-01-05 Meditation: Letting Go… Letting Be (16:55 min.) 16:54
Tara Brach
This guided meditation invites us to imagine a clenched fist relaxing open, and explores this in releasing contractions in the body as well as the grip of thoughts. When we deeply let go and let be, our energy flows freely. We reconnect with our natural aliveness, love and awareness.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2022-01-05 Establishing and Trusting Awareness, Part 2 - Talk 49:53
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2022-01-05 30 talk: working with afflictive thought-patterns 48:45
Jill Shepherd
Sydney Insight Meditators :  Healing the heart, refining the mind, finding freedom

2022-01-05 Wisdom as a support 54:06
Jeanne Corrigal
This week we continue with Wisdom, the 4th of the 10 Parami, or qualities of heart and mind that support the highest happiness. We explore what wisdom is, and how it can be an accessible, daily support for peace in everyday life.
Saskatoon Insight Meditation Community Wednesday Night Talks: The Parami (2021-2022)

2022-01-05 Inquiry as a Factor of Awakening in Formal Meditation and Daily Life 2 64:10
Donald Rothberg
In this second exploration of the nature of inquiry or investigation, we first review some of what was covered in the first talk. We situate inquiry or investigation within the teaching of the Seven Factors of Awakening, as one of the three "energizing" factors. After outlining five modes of inquiry and reviewing the first two--inquiring with mindfulness and deep listening--covered last time, we explore a third mode of inquiry--using a teaching to guide one's practice--pointing to using several possible teachings as examples. We then focus on a fourth mode--radical questioning--giving several examples. We end with a period of discussion and dialogue.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

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