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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2021-12-13 Monday Night Dharma Talk - Gratitude, Breathing In Breathing Out 49:39
Susie Harrington
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2021-12-13 WHY what AND how TO Forgiveness 46:25
Tere Abdala-Romano
A few notes on how forgiveness means in other cultures. Overview of general forgiveness, How the healing process starts right the moment we were hurt. Why we do forgive to free our own hearts from the pain, not to forget the deeds, to avoid further harm and hopefully to forget.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Practice of Choosing Forgiveness

2021-12-12 A Compass to Freedom 16:14
Ayya Medhanandi
Compassion is our worthy compass. Radiating compassionate empathy towards our own suffering and the suffering of the world, the mind is tranquil, protected from danger, and at peace. We have courage enough to evict fear and take our proper seat in the pure presence of the heart.
Portland Friends of the Dhamma :  Full Catastrophe Compassion

2021-12-12 At the Frontier of Harmlessness – Chop Off the Head of Mara 42:13
Ayya Medhanandi
One who practices true compassion inwardly as well as to others is praised as a superior person, a spiritual warrior on the path of harmlessness. How do we emulate that? Guided by right intention, we abandon the hindrances of the mind and patiently whittle away our ingrained habit of ego construction. We learn to see wisely and to forgive conditions as we journey to transcendence.
Portland Friends of the Dhamma :  Full Catastrophe Compassion

2021-12-12 Depth, Rest, Stillness 52:27
Leela Sarti
Day 4, Part 2: Guided Meditation, Introduction to Inquiry Practice, Closing Teachings
Gaia House Timeless Presence in the Midst of Daily Life (a series of four online practice days)

2021-12-12 Compassion Is Greater Than Fear 21:43
Ayya Medhanandi
Compassion is a strength, a generosity, a joy, a guardian of the mind, a rescue from fear and all forms of suffering, and a fountain of peace. It brings untold benefit both for one who gives it and for one who receives it. Compassion enhances the sublime abidings and the factors of awakening, thus serving, in and of itself, as a dynamic vehicle for the heart’s liberation.
Portland Friends of the Dhamma :  Full Catastrophe Compassion

2021-12-12 On the Threshold of Pure Presence 14:54
Ayya Medhanandi
The Dhamma summons us to let virtue be purified so that we can hasten to higher ground. What will give us peace in our suffering moments? What will calm the mind in all of life’s struggles? No one is immune. But having known a glimpse of pure presence, the heart follows that true way home, to the ending of pain, to the unexcelled bliss of its freedom.
Portland Friends of the Dhamma :  Full Catastrophe Compassion

2021-12-12 Experience of Being Trapped 3:16
Ajahn Sucitto
This Covid experience can give the felt sense of being trapped, corralled in. There’s a background sense of fear and uncertainty. That’s why it’s so important to generate lovingkindness, groundedness, steadiness – soothing the community atmosphere, internally and externally.
London Insight Meditation Feel It, Breathe It, Clear It - A Guide to Emotional Management

2021-12-12 Adhitthana: Wise Resolve, Week 2 - Talk 41:49
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2021-12-12 Depth, Rest, Stillness 1:21:35
Leela Sarti
Day 4, Part 1: Teachings, Guided Meditation, Introduction to Solo Contemplative Exercise
Gaia House Timeless Presence in the Midst of Daily Life (a series of four online practice days)

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