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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2021-09-01 Dependent Orgination is based on Not-Knowing and Innocence 41:48
Bhante Bodhidhamma
date estimated
Satipanya Buddhist Retreat

2021-09-01 Awakening 67:45
Donald Rothberg
After a number of sessions focused on practicing with reactivity and with challenges, we focus on awakening and awakened qualities. We survey the Buddha's main understanding of awakening as the ending of greed, aversion, and ignorance, as well as his pointing to a "signless, boundless, luminous" awareness at times. We also explore some of the understandings of a similar "awakened awareness" found in the Thai Forest tradition and the Tibetan Dzogchen and Mahamudra traditions (in part through slides, which can be found below, at this Dharma Seed site). Finally, the suggestion is made to set the intention especially this next week to cultivate one or two awakened qualities.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks
Attached Files:
  • Awakening Slides by Donald Rothberg (PDF)

2021-09-01 Guided Meditation: Settling, Tracking Reactivity and Awakened Qualities 36:10
Donald Rothberg
We start with the intention to cultivate awakened qualities, then have a period of settling, followed by opening up experience and particularly noticing any reactivity (habitual grasping and pushing away) and awakened qualities, such as mindfulness, concentration, equanimity, joy, etc.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2021-08-31 Measureless heart 49:06
Ajahn Sucitto
The results of our actions – physical, mental and verbal – make the person. If we are generous or selfish, condemning or forgiving, the results wrap around the heart and shape the person. This is kamma – it’s not personal, it’s a law. Kamma isn’t locked, it can be turned. Turn towards the measureless states – abundant, exalted, free from ill-will.

2021-08-30 Understanding Identity with the Five Aggregates 53:02
JD Doyle
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2021-08-29 A Bigger Container 1:28:46
Pamela Weiss
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community SFI Sunday Nights

2021-08-29 Paramis: Wise Effort, Week 3 - Talk 35:44
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2021-08-28 41 meditation: compassion for a good friend then oneself 24:50
Jill Shepherd
Beginning by settling the body, before orienting to compassion for a good friend, then extending that compassion to oneself, closing with compassion for all beings
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Connecting through silence, solitude, stillness: cultivating the heart of freedom

2021-08-28 40 instructions: compassion practice 14:23
Jill Shepherd
An introduction to compassion practice, with some suggestions of how to stay balanced when connecting with pain, distress, dukkha
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Connecting through silence, solitude, stillness: cultivating the heart of freedom

2021-08-28 Who Do You Think You Are? 21:45
Ayya Medhanandi
Not-clinging spreads very fast, very far. Its fuel power is letting go attachment to ‘self’; to selfishness and the inversion of the mind into a cocoon of self-concern – which is spiritual death. There’s no truth in that. Aren’t we all drowning – metaphorically? Not thinking of ourselves, the moment we jump into the river to rescue someone, we begin to wake up. Who can do that? We must help each other. But first we practice and gain strength to traverse the rapids and the mire of this conflicted, misguided world. Destination – directly knowing what we truly are – and are not.
Satipanna Insight Meditation (SIMT)

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