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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2024-06-01 Guided Meditation 25:32
Alan Lewis
Gaia House Knowledge From the Present Moment

2024-05-31 Opening Talk for the Retreat 58:24
Alan Lewis, Laura Bridgman
Gaia House Knowledge From the Present Moment

2024-05-30 Wise speech. 49:09
Caroline Jones
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge May 2024

2024-05-30 A practice for taking leave of a beloved place. 17:04
Caroline Jones
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge May 2024

2024-05-29 Learning to Trust the Journey, the Art of Letting Go 51:06
Nakawe Cuebas Berrios
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

2024-05-29 Meditation: Listening to Life 18:23
Tara Brach
The attitude of meditation is one of engaged listening – a relaxed, receptive yet intimate attention. This meditation explores how we can listen to sounds, listen to and feel sensations, and then relax back into the ocean of awareness that includes and perceives the changing waves. In this relaxing back, we realize the peace and freedom of inhabiting our wholeness and essence.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2024-05-29 Three Blessings in Spiritual Life – Part 3: A Mirror 57:51
Tara Brach
This 3- part series explores three capacities we all have, that when cultivated, bring spiritual awakening and serve the healing of our world. Drawing on an ancient teaching story from India, we explore together the power of a forgiving heart, the inner fire that expresses as courage and dedication, and the inquiry of “who am I” that reveals our deepest nature. The three qualities often described as the essence of awareness: wakeful, open, tender.”
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2024-05-29 Inviting Archaic Memories of Confidence & Wellbeing to Emerge Organically 52:13
Ayya Santacitta
Short Reflection & Guided Meditation | Earthworm Practice for the Anthropocene II | Online Wednesday-Mornings
Aloka Earth Room

2024-05-28 The first three of the Four Noble Truths 47:53
Tara Mulay
Including a discussion of craving for sense pleasures, becoming, and non-becoming
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Natural Clarity of Awareness: A Two-Week Insight Meditation Retreat

2024-05-28 Memorial Day - Ending the War Within 34:24
Brian Lesage
Flagstaff Insight Meditation Community

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