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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2021-08-12 The Buddha's Teaching on How Practice Unfolds: The Five Spiritual Faculties 54:11
James Baraz
The Five Spiritual Faculties is a central teaching of the Buddha that explains how the practice develops and unfolds: This classical list of five qualities expresses both the importance of balance as well as a natural progression of development with one quality leading to the next.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

2021-08-11 Stufenweise aus Konstrukten aussteigen 57:25
Ayya Santacitta
Vortrag & geführte Meditation
ÖBR Theravada Schule Wien

2021-08-11 Humility 54:16
Tara Brach
In Buddhism and most faiths, humility – feeling that we all share common ground, feeling neither superior or inferior to others – is both a prerequisite to awakening and an expression of mature spirituality. This talk explores how our conditioning and culture reinforce a swing from ego-inflation (self-importance, feeling special, better than others) to ego-deflation (feeling unworthy). We then look at how a wise and kind attention opens us to who we are beyond these confining egoic states, and enables us to live with humility and grace.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2021-08-11 Finding Wisdom in Anxiety 47:15
Kate Munding
Dharma talk and guided practice. Anxiety is a contraction and therefore a form of suffering. Sometimes anxiety is the appropriate response to a situation, but there are skillful ways to navigate this experience. This talk and practice examines how we can learn to soothe the body and the mind using somatic exercises and our imagination to bring expansiveness to anxiety's contracted state.
Assaya Sangha Assaya Sangha Dharma Talks

2021-08-11 Transforming the Mind from I to We Through Wisdom and Kindness 1:37:35
Sylvia Boorstein
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2021-08-11 27 meditation: choiceless attention 29:10
Jill Shepherd
Beginning with mindfulness of breathing to steady the mind, then letting go of the primary object or anchor to connect with whatever experiences are predominant, using mental noting to help stay present with changing experiences
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre Finding the Heart of Freedom

2021-08-11 26 instructions: mindfulness of mindfulness 19:36
Jill Shepherd
Exploring some different approaches to mindfulness, and how different mindfulness methods can be used to maintain a balanced practice
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre Finding the Heart of Freedom

2021-08-10 To Love and Say Goodbye: A Poetic Approach to the Teaching on Gratification, Drawback, and Escape 30:42
Brian Lesage
Flagstaff Insight Meditation Community FIMC Monday Night Talks

2021-08-10 Q&A 24:57
Ajahn Sucitto
00:15 I find it difficult to access body and heart intelligence through sitting and breathing; 04:26 Is there a chant or practice we can do before or while eating?; 06:23 Sometimes the citta feels vast and spacious and other times intimate; 09:12 What is paritta chanting; 11:50 I suffer from tinnitus. How can I incorporate this into my meditation?; 14:18 Do you have long retreats, like 3 months?; 15:09 I experience reluctance to doing a daily formal sit even though I know it’s good for me; 17:33 What is right effort when it comes to strong sustained energy that is released during meditation?; 19:45 What is the background to the stained glass windows that Ajahn Sucitto helped design at the Sunyata Center?
Sunyata Buddhist Centre :  Open Stability

2021-08-10 Opening the mind door 41:07
Ajahn Sucitto
We can’t always feel good but we can get enough stability to stop running, and instead meet what’s unpleasant. Meditation is the opportunity to safely become insecure – set aside the defenses and strategies, remain present and stable, and open. When you’ve accepted its presence with mindfulness, fear no longer propels the citta because it’s been integrated.
Sunyata Buddhist Centre :  Open Stability

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