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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2021-05-30 Puja and Chanting 48:13
Ajahn Sucitto
Puja means honor or praise. It’s an important gesture to cultivate – the sense of rising up to something beautiful, something worthy. Making offerings, bowing, chanting and meditating are steadying and calming acts that massage the energies of body, heart and mind.
Cittaviveka Clearing the Floods - Dealing with Internal and External Overload

2021-05-29 Attitude, Non-Self, and the Story of Venerable Channa 22:09
Ayya Santussika
Karuna Buddhist Vihara

2021-05-29 Lightly Guided Meditation 30:49
Ayya Santussika
Karuna Buddhist Vihara

2021-05-29 Empowerment of Desire and Aspiration 1:19:55
Nathan Glyde
An exploration of the Iddhipāda (Bases of Power) as part of our noble path. Seeing them more in the light of empowerment of our deepest aspirations or most wholesome desires. A guided meditation and Dharma Talk, with time for questions: for privacy, only the teachers voice is on the recording.
Gaia House Online Dharma Hall - May 2021

2021-05-29 Q&A 36:05
Ajahn Sucitto
Please explain why you got the COVID vaccine as I am hesitant; can meditation help with IBS; can’t exhale completely because in breath rushes in; does it matter if formal practice/meditation is less; is manas an impediment to citta or can it be used beneficially; how to get over the pain of divorce; how to ask someone to leave a community due to ethical reasons; when desire is abandoned how is avijja eliminated; elaborate on terms samādhi, atammayatā, nibānna.
Cittaviveka At Home with the Homeless: Ajahn Sucitto Locked Down

2021-05-29 Guided Meditation - Fountain of Feeling 17:29
Ajahn Sucitto
The cycle of saṃsara develops from feeling. Perceptions then form that stimulate particular actions that can be stirring, disturbing, exciting. Investigate these from the stillness and stability of presence. What’s needed?
Cittaviveka At Home with the Homeless: Ajahn Sucitto Locked Down

2021-05-28 Meditation on impermanence, Dhamma talk on Life of the Buddha - Part 4 1:20:37
Bhante Sujato
At Harris Park – Meditation on impermanence led by Bhante Sujato, Dhamma talk by Bhante Sujato, last part of the series on the life of the Buddha: Mahāparinibbāna sutta
Lokanta Vihara

2021-05-27 talk: Wise Action 16:32
Jill Shepherd
A short introduction to Right or Wise Action
Auckland Insight Meditation Living a life of mutual benefit: Exploring the Noble Eightfold Path

2021-05-27 Not Seeing Dukkha is Dukkha 51:30
James Baraz
This talk is based on a teaching from Joseph Goldstein: "Not seeing dukkha is dukkha." It's humbling to realize that we are creating much of our suffering. But it's through clearly seeing this that we also create the possibility of truly waking up. We can change our whole relationship to seeing how we get caught by old habits and thought patterns from self-judgment to compassion and liberation.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

2021-05-27 meditation: compassion 27:21
Jill Shepherd
Mostly silent sitting with a few minutes orientation to compassion at the beginning
Auckland Insight Meditation Living a life of mutual benefit: Exploring the Noble Eightfold Path

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