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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2021-05-01 Introduction – Establishing Wise Deep Attention 19:14
Ajahn Sucitto
The floods of sense consciousness and delusion take us away from a place where we might feel stable, assured, comfortable. We experience a loss of autonomy and receptivity. We can use the quality of wise deep attention (yoniso manasikāra) to turn attention to the source of our actions and our being. The roots are found in the domain of body and mind.
London Insight Meditation Clearing the Floods

2021-04-30 Breath meditation, Dhamma talk on Life of the Buddha - Part 3 1:33:16
Bhante Sujato
At Harris Park – breath meditation guided by Bhante Sujato, Dhamma talk by Bhante Sujato on the life of the Buddha: the Buddha as a leader who empowered the Sangha right from the start.
Lokanta Vihara

2021-04-30 IMS Daily Dharma, Apr 30 2021 18:41
Chas DiCapua
Cultivating Calm
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center IMS Daily Dharma 2021

2021-04-29 IMS Daily Dharma, Apr 29 2021 18:41
Chas DiCapua
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center IMS Daily Dharma 2021

2021-04-28 Meditation: From Head to Full Being 19:05
Tara Brach
When we are lost inside thoughts we lose connection with our heart, aliveness and spirit. This meditation guides us to a wakeful presence and invites us to return over and over from virtual reality into the mysterious, tender vastness that is our true being.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2021-04-28 Namaste: Honoring the Light in All Beings 60:00
Tara Brach
The ritual of Namaste - bowing to the sacred in ourselves and others - helps us live from the loving awareness that is our true nature. This talk looks at how we suffer because we forget this basic goodness, and explores the pathways of remembering that carry us home.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2021-04-28 Walking the Path with Love in your Heart: Wise Action 46:24
Kate Munding
Wise action and livelihood: Part 5 of a series on the Eightfold Path. This part of the path is based in the concept of Sila (virtue) and is best understood as being in harmony with the truth and the nature of things through the practice of non-harming. Virtue can be seen as an act of generosity (Dana) and when we live a life of non-harming, we produce peace and ease and trust for others.
Assaya Sangha Assaya Sangha Dharma Talks

2021-04-28 32 Parts of the Body—Tears, Grease, Saliva, Mucus, Oil of the Joints, Urine/Urine, Oil of the Joints, Mucus, Saliva, Grease, Tears 36:33
Bob Stahl
We are happy to announce a special opportunity to practice the 32 Parts of the Body meditation, which is rarely taught in the West. This practice deepens insight into impermanence and non-self by penetrating into the true nature and wonders of the body. We will also explore how the body interrelates with the four primary elements of earth (solidity), air (motion), fire (temperature), and water (liquidity). This methodical practice of the 32 Parts of the Body Meditation can build immense levels of concentration, potentialities for healing, and experience the taste of deep freedom and peace. This is the 15th year of offering this class at Insight Santa Cruz and it has been truly wonderful. People have frequently reported developing a whole new relationship to their bodies with greater wisdom and compassion. We will also be hopefully doing a tour of the Cabrillo Anatomy lab to get a deeper experience of the body.
Insight Santa Cruz

2021-04-28 Reflections and Guided Meditation 1:12:15
Laura Bridgman
Gaia House Meditation Day - Patience, Kindness and Right View

2021-04-28 IMS Daily Dharma, Apr 28 2021 20:16
Jessica Morey
Sympathetic Joy
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center IMS Daily Dharma 2021

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