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Dharma Talks
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2020-12-19 Walk Like a Boat 3:57
Ajahn Sucitto
A suggestion for walking meditation, to move like a boat down a river, citta open like a sail spread on the mast. Move through the water of thoughts, impressions, memories. Walk with difficult moods that arise, holding lightly, listening and receiving.
Cittaviveka Living, Dying and Liberation

2020-12-13 The Art and Practice of Forgiveness 4:23:24
Phillip Moffitt, Noliwe Alexander
The art of forgiveness begins with connecting to the heart. The practice involves learning skills such as metta, mindful acknowledgement, and compassion. Practicing these skills enables you to free yourself from painful identification with past events. This is a day to bring remorse or grief about past actions and move beyond feelings of guilt and shame. Likewise, if someone has wronged you, you will be guided toward holding them in accountability without closing your heart. Additionally, forgiveness practice will move you toward clarity and acceptance for the ways you have let yourself down. Practicing forgiveness allows you to move from a heavy, remorseful heart and a reactive mind to a heart that’s light but still feels regret, and a mind that is calm and clear. The day will be held with periods of guided silent sitting and walking meditation practice, instruction in the art and practice of forgiveness, and a forgiveness ceremony, with opportunities to ask questions to the instructors.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2020-12-08 Guided Meditation – Opening out of Circumstance 24:42
Ajahn Sucitto
Meditation offers an important reference point out of the world of circumstances. Mindfulness of body and breathing offer rest and replenishment, giving citta access to its life force energy. Ends with walking meditation instructions.
Bodhi College Citta: Mind, Heart, Spirit

2020-10-26 08 instructions and guided walking meditation 10:55
Jill Shepherd
Short instructions and guided walking meditation, for the whole group walking in a circle together
Auckland Insight Meditation Introduction to Insight Meditation

2020-10-24 Walking Meditation – The Pleasant Fluidity of Walking 9:07
Ajahn Sucitto
Approach walking meditation like swimming, feeling the body moving through space. There’s a swing, a pleasant fluidity. Hold any concerns that arise in your embodiment, giving the heart a foundation to listen from. It will eventually speak for itself.
Teach na Tuisceana :  Teach na Tuisceana Weekend Retreat (*pronounced Tjuck na Tooshana)

2020-10-11 Walking Meditation – Soothing Tension 12:45
Ajahn Sucitto
The mobility of walking helps soothe feelings of tension and aggression. The loose and the strong aspects as you walk create a feedback loop to circulate energy. A comfortable collectedness of energy can result.
London Insight Meditation Finding and Using the Missing Piece

2020-09-16 Instructions and Guided Meditation 41:08
Christina Feldman
This recording also includes Chris Cullen, who offers guidance on the practice of walking meditation.
Gaia House Mindfulness, Insight, Liberation: MBCT / MBSR Foundations

2020-07-18 Q&A 41:50
Ajahn Sucitto
Working with feeling foggy in meditation; firmness and openness in walking meditation; relationship between emotions and bodily tension; working with doubt; releasing energy through hands, feet and head; cultivating generosity triggers constriction.
Sunyata Buddhist Centre :  Unrestricted Awareness

2020-07-18 Walking Meditation: Come Out of the Boundary of Me 8:40
Ajahn Sucitto
Instructions for experiencing unrestricted awareness while walking: give attention to the flow of energy from firmness to openness. Notice the restrictions of visual and mental consciousness creeping in, and bring attention back to the rhythmic play of energy.
Sunyata Buddhist Centre :  Unrestricted Awareness

2020-07-09 03 guided meditation: standing then walking 14:07
Jill Shepherd
Instructions to continue mindfulness of the body while changing posture from sitting to standing, then walking together as a group, in a circle
Auckland Insight Meditation Foundations of Insight

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