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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2020-10-18 Making Peace with Insecurity - Meditation 33:17
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2020-10-18 Making Peace with Insecurity - Talk 39:28
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2020-10-18 Instructions and Practice Guidance 42:25
Yanai Postelnik
Gaia House Embodying the Awakened Heart

2020-10-18 09 talk: exploring vedana or feeling-tone and compassion in relation to illness 31:08
Jill Shepherd
How mindfulness of feeling-tones helps protect us from reactivity in relation to physical illness, and instead, can strengthen skilful responses of wisdom and compassion
Auckland Insight Meditation Cultivating resilience in challenging times: Learning from the "heavenly messengers"

2020-10-18 08 meditation: vedana or feeling-tones 17:38
Jill Shepherd
A short guided meditation exploring physical sensations in the body and the feeling-tones associated with them
Auckland Insight Meditation Cultivating resilience in challenging times: Learning from the "heavenly messengers"

2020-10-17 Contemplation: A Special Friend of Mindfulness 16:58
Ayya Medhanandi
Practice deepens when we are present here and now, able to intuitively understand and contemplate our experience rather than knowing it through concepts. We refine mindfulness with wisdom, receive the moment humbly and offer our full attention and devotion to know what is before us. When Truth rushes in, we forgive more and we grieve less.
Ottawa Buddhist Society :  Day of Mindfulness

2020-10-17 Mind Like A Satellite - Respect, Extraordinary Mindfulness and Wisdom 38:29
Ayya Medhanandi
A mind weeded of impurities is a field of stillness and wisdom where our suffering melts away. How does this happen? We study the mind and apply four facets of an extraordinary proactive mindfulness: exerted effort, penetrating focus on the object of awareness, heroic diligence, and contemplative devotion. In the silence of the undistracted mind, wisdom and a true and sustainable happiness arise.
Ottawa Buddhist Society

2020-10-17 In Our Own LIfeboat 14:08
Ayya Medhanandi
Intuitive knowing is the lens that connects us to the heart through our meditation. Leave the world behind and tap into that energy to enter the realm of pure receptivity, not known through the senses but fully known in complete Awareness that is a safe and liberating refuge. It leads us inward, beyond all wanting, to the ending of suffering, to an emptiness that surpasses all experience, all knowledge.
Ottawa Buddhist Society :  Day of Mindfulness

2020-10-16 This Is Where the Mind is Liberated 30:02
Ayya Medhanandi
Human beings have that special ability to deeply see and fathom things as they truly are. But we are so impatient. We resist letting go. Clinging, we harm unknowingly and stray from truth, gaining no peace. How can we recover and free ourselves from fear, anger, and mental distress? Purify the mind and directly know the larger truth of impermanence. See blessings where there was darkness. And in the heart’s core, touch the Unconditioned.
Ottawa Buddhist Society :  Day of Mindfulness

2020-10-16 Dharma Talk - What is Mindfulness ? 63:34
Chris Cullen
This recording also includes Christina Feldman What are the roles and practice of Mindfulness, and how does it work ?
Gaia House Online Dharma Hall - Oct 2020

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