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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2020-10-10 Staving off Hindrances 15:02
Ajahn Sucitto
Meditation is about penetrating the roots of mental behavior. The primary doing is to settle and clear distracting influences so the mind becomes unified in purpose. A happy, firm mind leaves less traction for hindrances to take hold.
London Insight Meditation Finding and Using the Missing Piece

2020-10-10 Meet Dukkha from a Collected Center 21:24
Ajahn Sucitto
Dukkha is a natural part of our experience. When internalized it manifests as constricting and disjointed somatic states. When met from a clear and settled center, our responses can be guided by harmony and wisdom.
London Insight Meditation Finding and Using the Missing Piece

2020-10-10 Welcome, advice on online retreats, guided meditation 20:05
Ajahn Sucitto
With a heartful attitude, set aside what is not necessary and make a continued deliberate practice around your Dhamma aspirations. Tuning into embodiment with interest and sensitivity, we can locate the missing piece, where harmonization of the mental and somatic domains occurs.
London Insight Meditation Finding and Using the Missing Piece

2020-10-09 Hebrew - Perception, Mettā, Freedom 50:57
Zohar Lavie

2020-10-09 Day One - LGBTQ Online Retreat: Talk 1:21:36
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight Freedom & Ease of Being: A Meditation Retreat for our LGBTQAI+ Community

2020-10-08 "Choosing Earth" with Duane Elgin and Coleen LeDrew Elgin 64:28
James Baraz
James' special guests are wisdom teacher Duane Elgin (author of the classic Voluntary Simplicity) and his partner, Coleen LeDrew Elgin, share his realistic but hopeful vision of where we could be heading the next fifty years. His new book Choosing Earth: Humanity's Great Transformation to a Mature Planetary Civilization discusses the possibilities that lie ahead and the vision for how we can use this time to wake up as a species.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

2020-10-08 06 talk: an overview of the five clinging-aggregates 36:08
Jill Shepherd
Continuing the exploration of insight into the three universal characteristics, focusing on anatta or not-self and how the aggregates are aspects of experience that we commonly identify with
Auckland Insight Meditation Deepening Insight - a series of talks for Auckland Insight

2020-10-08 Cultivating Equanimity 41:15
Donald Rothberg
We examine both the nature of equanimity and how to develop more equanimity, both in formal meditation and in the flow of our lives, including in the context of multiple contemporary crises. Equanimity has qualities of balance, evenness, unshakability, understanding and wisdom, faith, joy, and responsiveness. It can be cultivated in our basic mindfulness practice, as we develop more balance, particularly by learning from tends to unbalance us, including difficult emotions, thoughts, and body-states. We can also particularly focus on the teaching of the "Eight Worldly Winds" (or Conditions): pleasure and pain, gain and loss, fame and disrepute, praise and blame.
Insight Meditation Tucson

2020-10-08 05 meditation: opening to the spaciousness of the body 26:40
Jill Shepherd
Settling into the body, quieting the mind, and experiencing the body as sensations in space
Auckland Insight Meditation Deepening Insight - a series of talks for Auckland Insight

2020-10-08 Tuere Sala and Matthew Brensilver in dialogue about wisdom 54:53
Tuere Sala, Matthew Brensilver
Dharma Talk
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Fall Insight Meditation Retreat with Phillip Moffitt, MA, SEP; Matthew Brensilver, PhD; Tuere Sala and Dawn Scott

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