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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2020-07-04 Heart Practices 59:08
Carol Cano
Morning Meditation Heart Practices, Brahmaviharas
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Cultivating the Wisdom of the Heart - Annual People of Color (POC) Retreat

2020-07-03 In This Very Life -- 2020-07-03 58:02
Kim Allen
Sutta Study -- Anatta-Lakkhana Sutta SN 22.59
Insight Santa Cruz

2020-07-03 Applying Early Buddhist Perspective to Contemporary Issues 55:09
James Baraz
Ven. Bhikkhu Analayo has just written an essay exploring how the early Buddhist perspective shows that diversity work can become an integral part of the Buddhist path of practice. We will explore some of Ven. Analayo's ideas and see how we can apply them in our own practice. We'll also touch a recent article by Bhikkhu Bodhi, another esteemed Buddhist scholar, entitled "From Tragedy to Hope: Reflections on the Killing of George Floyd".
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley IMCB Regular Talks

2020-07-03 89 Kosambi MN48 19:21
Bhante Bodhidhamma
The monks in the monastery are locked in an argument and the Buddha comes and gives advice as to how to create a harmonious community. Then explains the extraordinary knowledge of a Stream-enterer, the first Spiritual Attainment,
Satipanya Buddhist Retreat :  Talks on the Middle Length Discourses

2020-07-03 Where does it Hurt? 58:50
Noliwe Alexander
Dharma Talk
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Cultivating the Wisdom of the Heart - Annual People of Color (POC) Retreat

2020-07-03 Emotions and Mind States 35:02
Carol Cano
Sit with Instructions
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Cultivating the Wisdom of the Heart - Annual People of Color (POC) Retreat

2020-07-02 02 guided meditation: mindfulness of breathing 22:51
Jill Shepherd
An introduction to mindfulness of breathing, using the rhythm of the breath to steady awareness and then refining mindfulness to stay connected with the details of the breath, one half-breath at a time
Auckland Insight Meditation Foundations of Insight

2020-07-02 01 talk intro to insight meditation 19:30
Jill Shepherd
A short introduction to insight meditation, its purpose and the key techniques for developing mindfulness (sati) and stability of mind (samadhi)
Auckland Insight Meditation Foundations of Insight

2020-07-02 88 At Samagama Discourse MN104 20:28
Bhante Bodhidhamma
Afraid of the breakup of the order when he dies as seems to have happened when the leader of the Jains died, the Buddha explains the Six Roots of Disputes, the Four Kids of Litigations and the Seven Settlements.
Satipanya Buddhist Retreat :  Talks on the Middle Length Discourses

2020-07-02 Energy & Patience 59:55
Jozen Tamori Gibson
Dharma Talk
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Cultivating the Wisdom of the Heart - Annual People of Color (POC) Retreat

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