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Dharma Talks
2020-05-24 The Quail's Tale: A Path to Harmlessness 41:38
Ayya Medhanandi
Praising Truth for its own sake, we lean in the direction of Truth. We make our intention not to harm by body, speech, or thought. Harmlessness leads to selflessness. Selflessness leads to the Deathless. To boundless compassion. It will save us from the flames of greed, violence, and delusion raging around us. Like the baby quail. What saved it from the forest fire was the purity of its own truth developed over lifetimes. A talk given in a Toronto Theravada Buddhist Community (TBC) zoom during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Toronto Theravada Buddhist Community (TBC)

2020-05-24 A Cry of Surprise 21:05
Ayya Medhanandi
In the inner sea, we know what is truly true. Knowing is the mother, breathing is the child. Going beyond past hurts, beyond thought, being old or young, desolate or delighted, go even beyond Covid, there in the timeless emptiness of present moment awareness of the breath itself, teach your mind its true home. Given at an online meditation during the Covid pandemic.
Toronto Theravada Buddhist Community (TBC)

2020-05-24 Sunday Morning Dharmette and Instructions (Online Retreat at Spirit Rock) 49:17
James Baraz
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Magic of Awareness - Online

2020-05-24 Dhamma Stream Online Puja: Freeing the Heart from the Whip of ‘Should Be’ 37:55
Ajahn Sucitto
Mind (manas) whips the heart with its interpretations of how things should be, thereby stirring up discontent and agitation. Mind can be placed in service of heart (citta) instead. Citta’s awakened response to the conditioned realm is one of empathy. Holding, soothing, steadying – there is the possibility to experience the clarity and calm of the Buddha rather than the misery that mind creates. *Sutta Nipāta: 721, Dhammapada:134, and M.18
Cittaviveka At Home with the Homeless: Ajahn Sucitto Locked Down

2020-05-23 Wondrous Feeling 42:58
Exploring how mindfulness and investigation of feeling tone is woven into many frameworks of practice given by the Buddha - the 5 aggregates, the 4 foundations of mindfulness, the 12 fold chain of causation, the 4 Noble Truths.
Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery

2020-05-23 Bringing Metta to Life 49:44
Yuka Nakamura
How can we practise Metta - benevolence - in the midst of our life? Metta can express itself in many ways, as generosity, ethics and kind speech, but also in the way we perceive people, appreciating what is good, and the world, seeing the non-separation and interconnectedness and living from this understanding.
Meditationszentrum Beatenberg Ascenscion Online Retreat

2020-05-23 50 Dog Ascetic Discourse MN57 16:17
Bhante Bodhidhamma
Satipanya Buddhist Retreat :  Talks on the Middle Length Discourses

2020-05-23 Freedom through Knowing Oneself (Online Retreat at Spirit Rock) 60:41
Anam Thubten
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Magic of Awareness - Online

2020-05-23 Instructions et Assise : corps et 4 élments 60:51
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight TNI Regular Talks

2020-05-23 Saturday Morning Dharmette and Instructions (Online Retreat at Spirit Rock) 55:40
Trudy Goodman
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Magic of Awareness - Online

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