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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2020-05-09 Loss, Grief and Death: Impermanence in Pandemic Times 56:25
James Baraz
The Buddha said to reflect each day on the facts of old age, sickness and death. He also said to to come to terms with the fact that everything and everyone near and dear to us will be separated from us. In these Covid-19 days our practice becomes letting go of what was and adjust to a new way of being. This practice of impermanence includes opening to loss, grief and death which is explored in this talk.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley IMCB Regular Talks

2020-05-09 35 Canki Sutta MN95 18:53
Bhante Bodhidhamma
Satipanya Buddhist Retreat :  Talks on the Middle Length Discourses

2020-05-09 34 Kalama Discourse cont. 21:29
Bhante Bodhidhamma
Satipanya Buddhist Retreat :  Talks on the Middle Length Discourses

2020-05-09 Four Brahma Viharas Practice in Daily Life, Part 2 (Online Retreat at Spirit Rock) 25:14
Tempel Smith
To bring forward the highest heart quality of Equanimity we need to understand all four brahma viharas (heavenly dwellings: friendliness, compassion, celebration, and balance) and how the work together in beautiful harmony.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Equanimity Retreat - Online

2020-05-08 Seeing All Things With Kindness (with Chanting at the Beginning) 43:55
Zohar Lavie
A kindness meditation towards all appearance: seeing how experience is fabricated by seeing all phenomena as deserving of kindness and care. Starts with 7 minutes of a Guanyin chant (using the lovely words and tune offered by Caroline Jones).
Gaia House Living Fearlessly With Change - Closing Retreat

2020-05-08 Supporting Equanimity Through the Four Noble Truths 38:25
bruni dávila
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Equanimity Retreat - Online

2020-05-08 All Fabricated Things are Anicca 35:45
Nathan Glyde
How do we fabricate our experience by habitually seeing in terms of permanence and constancy? What happens in terms of 'dukkha' when we allow our sense of self and phenomena to become more ephemeral? How does our sense of time change, and how does changing that change experience?
Gaia House Living Fearlessly With Change - Closing Retreat

2020-05-08 Instructions Day 3 - Anicca as a Way of Looking 47:20
Zohar Lavie
Gaia House Living Fearlessly With Change - Closing Retreat

2020-05-08 Morning Instructions on Working with Thoughts (Online Retreat at Spirit Rock) 50:21
Sharda Rogell
A short dharma talk with a guided meditation on investigating mental activity: thoughts and images
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Equanimity Retreat - Online

2020-05-07 Guided Compassion with Chanting at the Beginning 43:52
Zohar Lavie
A compassion meditation, starting with 7 minutes of a Guanyin chant (using the lovely words and tune offered by Caroline Jones).
Gaia House Living Fearlessly With Change - Closing Retreat

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