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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Laura Bridgman's Dharma Talks
Laura Bridgman
Laura Bridgman began her Dhamma practice in her early teens, and eventually ordained as a nun with Ajahn Sumedho in 1995. She was resident at Amaravati and Chithurst monasteries for eighteen years until moving out to live as a solitary nun in 2010. She has spent extended periods of time with the Burmese teacher Sayadaw U Tejaniya. In 2015 Laura left the monastic tradition to pursue the Diamond Heart (Ridhwan) spiritual path alongside her Vipassana practice. There is much over-lap as it incorporates Buddhist principles and practices.
2023-08-27 The Nuances of Contemplating Craving 24:49
Gaia House Looking and Seeing: How we Experience the World
2023-08-27 Contemplating Thoughts & Inner Activity; 2nd Contemplative Exercise 16:41
Gaia House Looking and Seeing: How we Experience the World
2023-08-26 The Metaphor of Looking & Seeing; 1st Contemplative Exercise 49:57
with Laura Bridgman, Tony O'Connor
Gaia House Looking and Seeing: How we Experience the World
2023-07-20 Closing comments - value of the five precepts 13:21
with Ajahn Sucitto, Laura Bridgman
We are always in the centre of our lives, always present, always here.
Gaia House Unrestricted Awareness
2023-07-19 Q&A 41:31
with Ajahn Sucitto, Laura Bridgman
Questions are précised; one live question (Q3) was précised and read into the file: 00:08 Q1 Could you say a few words about dealing with traumatic memories or body memories. 13:47 Q2 I fear that I am not able to connect with non-self. Can you say more about non-self. 20:27 Q3 When I was sitting my timer went off and there was a vague voice that was encouraging and reassuring me that whatever issues I face can be resolved. I find this very exciting. What do you think is happening here?28:34 Q4 If a part of our being nature gets accessed by a higher paced energy, can sati and a slower mode of being lead to loosing access to sides of our being?
Gaia House Unrestricted Awareness
2023-07-19 Reflections on the Sedaka Sutta: The Bamboo Acrobat (SN47.19) 26:07
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Gaia House Unrestricted Awareness
2023-07-18 Q&A 57:29
with Ajahn Sucitto, Laura Bridgman
Questions are précised: 00:00 Q1 What do you mean by “re-wilding your mind”? 19:59 Q2 What’s the relation between pitti, sukka and chi. 25:05 Q3 Which comes first after sense contact, sannya (impression/ perception) or vedena (the feeling)? 28:00 Q4 Does the third sattipatana (the establishments of mindfulness) only include citta of mano / manus? 34:21 (LB) Q5 How to contemplate the “gunky” parts of the body – the organs that get diseased etc. 41:35 Q6 I have a sense of the experience of annica like a connection to dynamism. Impermanence has a very time bound quality to it. 42:31 Q7 How can one develop one’s yoniso manisakara to keep attention turned inwards?
Gaia House Unrestricted Awareness
2023-07-18 What's deepened your keel 18:52
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Gaia House Unrestricted Awareness
2023-07-18 Opening to our natural sensitivity 13:21
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Gaia House Unrestricted Awareness
2023-07-16 Craving 47:49
In understanding craving, one of my teachers suggests using right view – ‘everything is nature happening’. This helpfully moves craving out of being good or bad.
Gaia House Unrestricted Awareness

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