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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Jill Shepherd's Dharma Talks
Jill Shepherd
Wisdom and compassion are two themes that inform my current exploration of the dharma, and I aspire to integrate these as fully as I can in both formal practice and daily life.
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2017-02-12 Noble Eightfold Path 11: guided dyad (pairs) meditation exploring Right Effort 12:57
Guided dyad meditation exploring Right Effort, beginning with separate speaker and listener (allow 3 minutes each) then open dialogue (allow 6-10 minutes)
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre
2017-02-12 Noble Eightfold Path 10 talk: Right Effort 34:04
An exploration of Right Effort in daily life and formal meditation, with an overview of the Four Great Efforts for working skilfully with mental states
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre
2017-02-05 Noble Eightfold Path 09 Guided meditation: Investigating skillful behaviour skilfully 13:24
Short guided meditation investigating an example of skilful action of body, speech or mind, based on the Buddha's instructions to Mahanama AN6:10
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre
2017-02-05 Noble Eightfold Path 08: Right Action and Right Livelihood 31:40
Continuing to explore the ethical aspects of the Noble Eightfold Path, Right Action and Right Livelihood, expanding livelihood to look more generally at all aspects of how we live our lives
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre
2017-01-29 Noble Eightfold Path 07: guided meditation Investigating unskilful speech skilfully 14:43
A short guided meditation investigating an example of unskilful speech, paying attention to sensations in the body and emotions in the heart-mind with the intention of gaining clarity about what happened
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre
2017-01-29 Noble Eightfold Path 06: guided dyad (pairs) meditation exploring Right Speech 14:40
Guided dyad meditation exploring Right Speech, beginning with separate speaker and listener (allow 3 minutes each) then open dialogue (allow 6-10 minutes)
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre
2017-01-29 Noble Eightfold Path 05: instructions Right Speech 7:40
An introduction to the Insight Dialogue guidelines of Pause, Relax and Open as support for exploring Right Speech in dyads (meditating together in pairs)
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre
2017-01-29 Noble Eightfold Path 04 talk: Right Speech 32:28
Overview of the Noble Eightfold Path and ethical conduct, then an exploration of Right Speech
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre
2017-01-22 Noble Eightfold Path 03 Talk: Right View and Right Thought/Intention 34:07
A re-cap of Right View, followed by an exploration of Right Thought in terms of the intention towards renunciation, the intention towards good-will or metta, and the intention towards non-cruelty or compassion
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre
2017-01-15 Noble Eightfold Path 02 guided meditation: exploring the Four Noble Truths in immediate experience 16:11
A short guided meditation bringing awareness to dukkha in the moment, and ways of relating to it in light of the Four Noble Truths
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre

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