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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Gregory Kramer's Dharma Talks
Gregory Kramer
Gregory has been teaching meditation since 1980. He developed the practice of Insight Dialogue, offering retreats worldwide and authoring books including Insight Dialogue: The Interpersonal Path to Freedom and Dharma Contemplation: Meditating Together with Wisdom Texts.
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2014-05-14 Trust Emergence: meeting the changing nature of experience with mindfulness 24:08
Insight Dialogue Community (Samish Island Campground)
2013-10-28 Sudden Insight and Gradual Effacement - A Whole Life Path 43:32
Gaia House Insight Dialogue - Touching the World
2013-10-25 Review of Guidelines - How to Practice 19:03
Gaia House Insight Dialogue - Touching the World
2013-10-23 Contact - Open - Suffering - Freedom 23:05
Gaia House Insight Dialogue - Touching the World
2013-10-23 Relax - Sati - Samadhi 20:38
Gaia House Insight Dialogue - Touching the World
2013-06-13 Clarity and Freedom Can Illuminate Our Relationships with Others 61:26
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley IMCB Regular Talks
2013-06-07 Dana 18:26
Contemplation on Dana
Insight Dialogue Community (Garrison Institute) Insight Dialogue Retreat
2013-06-07 The Pause in Relationship 40:28
What is your conflict-the facts; In the body-mind; your internal strategies; both. Gregory Kramer with Gina Sharpe
Insight Dialogue Community (Garrison Institute) Insight Dialogue Retreat
2013-06-07 The Genesis of Speech 52:00
Listen Deeply - Speak the Truth Expression and Vibration
Insight Dialogue Community (Garrison Institute) Insight Dialogue Retreat
2012-11-18 Anapanasati in 2’s 29:50
Anapanasati in 2’s
Sevenoaks Pathwork Center :  Annual Whole Life Community Retreat

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