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gift of the teachings
Gregory Kramer's Dharma Talks
Gregory Kramer
Gregory has been teaching meditation since 1980. He developed the practice of Insight Dialogue, offering retreats worldwide and authoring books including Insight Dialogue: The Interpersonal Path to Freedom and Dharma Contemplation: Meditating Together with Wisdom Texts.
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2012-11-11 Guided meditation on listening and speaking internally. 20:49
Guided meditation on listening and speaking internally.
Sevenoaks Pathwork Center :  Annual Whole Life Community Retreat
2012-11-11 Deva Realms, Contemplation 15:37
Contemplation on Deva Realms
Sevenoaks Pathwork Center :  Annual Whole Life Community Retreat
2012-11-11 Intimacy with Suffering and Joy 47:02
Intimacy with Suffering and Joy
Sevenoaks Pathwork Center :  Annual Whole Life Community Retreat
2012-11-11 Evolution to Freedom 23:28
Evolution to Freedom
Sevenoaks Pathwork Center :  Annual Whole Life Community Retreat
2012-11-11 Aiming the mind 15:08
Aiming the mind
Sevenoaks Pathwork Center :  Annual Whole Life Community Retreat
2012-11-11 Q and A-Trust emergence: Catch in breath, subtle noticing 13:55
Q and A---Trust emergence: Catch in breath, subtle noticing
Sevenoaks Pathwork Center :  Annual Whole Life Community Retreat
2012-11-11 Listening and Speaking out of Emergence 33:30
Listening and Speaking out of Emergence
Sevenoaks Pathwork Center :  Annual Whole Life Community Retreat
2012-10-21 Insight Dialogue: The Power, Challenges and Joy of Meditating Together (Part 3) 62:21
Humans are relational beings -- pack animals, born and raised in families, working and living together. Much of our suffering is people-suffering. We meditate to be free from suffering, yet sometimes a gap arises when interpersonal suffering is being addressed in intrapersonal meditation. We perpetuate the "island universe" of the individual self even as we seek freedom. Insight Dialogue is a fully relational meditation practice based on Buddhist Vipassana Insight meditation and a relational understanding of the Dhamma. The mind is invited to stillness and keen mindfulness even as we remain in dialogue with others. Here we meet the shared human experience that transcends our very real differences in genetics, background, and worldly circumstances.
New York Insight Meditation Center Insight Dialogue: The Power, Challenges and Joy of Meditating Together
2012-10-20 Insight Dialogue: The Power, Challenges and Joy of Meditating Together (Part 2 of 3) 2:39:36
Humans are relational beings -- pack animals, born and raised in families, working and living together. Much of our suffering is people-suffering. We meditate to be free from suffering, yet sometimes a gap arises when interpersonal suffering is being addressed in intrapersonal meditation. We perpetuate the "island universe" of the individual self even as we seek freedom. Insight Dialogue is a fully relational meditation practice based on Buddhist Vipassana Insight meditation and a relational understanding of the Dhamma. The mind is invited to stillness and keen mindfulness even as we remain in dialogue with others. Here we meet the shared human experience that transcends our very real differences in genetics, background, and worldly circumstances.
New York Insight Meditation Center Insight Dialogue: The Power, Challenges and Joy of Meditating Together
2012-10-19 Insight Dialogue: The Power, Challenges and Joy of Meditating Together (Part 1) 1:22:28
Humans are relational beings -- pack animals, born and raised in families, working and living together. Much of our suffering is people-suffering. We meditate to be free from suffering, yet sometimes a gap arises when interpersonal suffering is being addressed in intrapersonal meditation. We perpetuate the "island universe" of the individual self even as we seek freedom. Insight Dialogue is a fully relational meditation practice based on Buddhist Vipassana Insight meditation and a relational understanding of the Dhamma. The mind is invited to stillness and keen mindfulness even as we remain in dialogue with others. Here we meet the shared human experience that transcends our very real differences in genetics, background, and worldly circumstances.
New York Insight Meditation Center Insight Dialogue: The Power, Challenges and Joy of Meditating Together

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