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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Guy Armstrong's Dharma Talks
Guy Armstrong
I have always enjoyed working with practitioners who are continuing to deepen their practice. In the many long retreats I teach at both IMS and Spirit Rock, I feel free to pass on the deepest pointings I’ve found in the teachings of the Buddha in the Pali Canon. Those are my guiding lights in practice and understanding.
2008-01-12 The Five Aggregates 62:40
This traditional list of the five categories, such as form and consciousness, describes the range of our experience. This talk follows a sutta in viewing the aggregates as an avenue to see emptiness
2007-12-03 Loving-Kindness And Gratitude 61:04
The four divine abidings show us a way to hold all the joys and sorrows of life. This talk focuses principally on the qualities of loving-kindness, which overcomes isolation and connects us to all of life; and gratitude, as a form of appreciative joy that leads to greater contentment and well-being.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 2
2007-11-26 Third Noble Truth & Nibbana 61:06
This talk explores the third noble truth, or the end of suffering, also described as Nibbana. Nibbana is seen as a transcendent dimension of our being accessible in any moment. Practices that approach this unconditioned element are described also.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 2
2007-11-19 Second Noble Truth: Craving 60:31
The second noble truth points to craving (tanha) as the origin of suffering. The talk describes three kinds of craving: for sense pleasures, existence and non-existence.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 2
2007-11-12 Working With Difficult Emotions 61:10
Emotions are expressed through a mood, body sensation, and thoughts. Mindfulness of these aspects is illustrated in the talk for desire, anger, sadness, and fear.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 2
2007-11-04 First Noble Truth: Suffering 56:12
Suffering becomes a noble truth when it is fully understood. Then it is seen as a universal experience that connects us through compassion with all beings.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 2
2007-11-01 Right Attitude 31:28
As we develop awareness of the objects of our experience, it is also important to be aware of our attitude to them. Is there greed, aversion or delusion; or is there non-greed, non-aversion or non-delusion?
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 2
2007-07-18 Mudita: Practicing Joy And Gratitude 61:01
Appreciative joy (Mudita) is the third of the divine abidings (Brahma Viharas). When directed to oneself, it enhances the sense of gratefulness. This is an important practice because joy is an integral part of the path to liberation.
2007-07-14 The Benefits Of Metta 53:55
This talk explains how the practice of loving-kindness works to bring five benefits: a tender heart, the purification of heart and mind, concentration, connection to life, and happiness.
2007-04-05 The Practice of Joy and Gratitude 61:57
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

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