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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Guy Armstrong's Dharma Talks
Guy Armstrong
I have always enjoyed working with practitioners who are continuing to deepen their practice. In the many long retreats I teach at both IMS and Spirit Rock, I feel free to pass on the deepest pointings I’ve found in the teachings of the Buddha in the Pali Canon. Those are my guiding lights in practice and understanding.
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2003-05-14 Integrating Vipassana & Dzogchen 48:43
This talk is directed to Vipassana practitioners who wish to include in their meditations the dzogchen practice and theory. It explores ways of integrating the understanding and meditation technique of the two traditions.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2003-05-13 Non-Dual Awareness 62:52
According to the Dzogchen teachings, an aspect of the nature of mind is non-dual awareness. But the Theravada understanding is that these is a distinction between consciousness and it's objects. How can we reconcile these views?
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2003-05-12 Bodhisattva Path: Plus Rigpa & Nirvana 63:51
Two talks in one. The first describes my faltering steps in bodhisattva. The second examines different understandings of nirvana in the Buddhist tradition and compares them to the nature of mind described by Dzogchen.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2003-05-11 Relating With Emotions; Plus Mindfulness, Consciousness And Awareness 64:43
This is really 2 talks in one, the first suggests different ways to work with strong emotions in both vipassana and dzogchen styles. The second relates the qualities of mindfulness and consciousness as used in Pali Suttas to the innate awareness of rigpa.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2003-03-28 The Nature Of Awareness 56:21
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Vipassana Retreat
2003-03-25 Purity And Purification 52:46
A useful way to view the unfolding of practice is through the two truths, conventional and ultimate. The purity of our true nature is revealed until a conditioned pattern of mind is encountered. When met with acceptance, the pattern becomes purified.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2002-12-02 The Power Of Metta: Is Insight Enough? 59:13
Metta is a powerful tool in the journey of awakening. The practice makes the heart more responsive and also offers purification, concentration, connection to all of life, and happiness.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
2002-07-20 Transcendent Dependent Origination 54:49
In his teachings on dependent origination found in the Upanisa Sutta of the Samyutta Nikaya, the Buddha explained the path in such positive terms as joy, rapture, tranquillity, and happiness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2002-05-23 The Three Characteristics 55:31
The three characteristics of existence -- impermanence, unsatisfactoriness and not-self -- summarize the state of this world as in constant dissolution. Yet, a refuge can be found in an ever-available awareness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2002-05-08 Faith as a Spiritual Faculty 50:30
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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