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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Ajahn Sucitto's Dharma Talks
Ajahn Sucitto
As a monk, I bring a strong commitment, along with the renunciate flavor, to the classic Buddhist teachings. I play with ideas, with humor and a current way of expressing the teachings, but I don't dilute them.
2018-07-23 23 Closing Exhortation: Being Is First, Doing Is Second 27:58
As soon as something comes to mind, the impulse is to do something about it. This is just blind. The most important piece is be something first. It shouldn’t take that long, just 10 seconds. Even if being something is being aware of confusion, aware of dukkha, drop into the center of your reactivity. Then awakened intelligence has the possibility to arise in the pause.
Madison Insight Meditation Group :  Madison Vipassana Retreat: A Detox for the Heart
2018-07-22 22 The Comfort Place Is Here 57:24
The end of retreat provides the occasion to experience endings and separation. Check the tendency to rush into the future, the desire to get out of the uncomfortable and move towards the comfort zone. These boundaries of entering something unknown are important places to pause and notice what’s happening. The comfort place is here, don’t leave it. Feel the disturbances, and meet them with mindful and loving acceptance.
Madison Insight Meditation Group :  Madison Vipassana Retreat: A Detox for the Heart
2018-07-21 19 Careful Thinking to Be Cultivated for Wisdom and Release 37:44
Used wisely thinking supports liberation. Through wise reflection we begin to understand the views and attitudes that give rise to afflictive thinking. But through patiently resisting acting on these creations, it’s possible to gain authority over one’s mind, rather than be caught in worldly currents.
Madison Insight Meditation Group :  Madison Vipassana Retreat: A Detox for the Heart
2018-07-21 20 Wisdom: Detox for the Heart 59:10
One of the roles of wisdom is to continually check the toxic influences and open to what is here naturally. The unconditioned can be found through wise reflection and handling of the uncertain and unresolvable nature of conditioned experience. When we no longer resist it or feel agitated by it, the mind is released. The mind released shines in its own luminosity and that radiance gives the heart back its strength.
Madison Insight Meditation Group :  Madison Vipassana Retreat: A Detox for the Heart
2018-07-21 21 Q&A 61:55
Working with sexual energy (0:08); social justice in line with Dhamma (15:20); mindfulness, thinking, speaking & listening (35:03)
Madison Insight Meditation Group :  Madison Vipassana Retreat: A Detox for the Heart
2018-07-20 18 Appropriate Attention: Comfortably Held rather than Witnessed 57:39
The way we direct and hold attention either regenerates afflictive self-forming tendencies or decreases them. By relaxing attention and taking in qualities that give rise to ease and gladness, the body is more comfortable and the mind is happy.
Madison Insight Meditation Group :  Madison Vipassana Retreat: A Detox for the Heart
2018-07-19 16 Right Effort: How to Strive without Getting a Hernia 55:13
The Buddha crossed the floods of ignorance, sensuality and becoming by not halting and not straining. The right effort of finding ground in the body is a means for balancing and moderating energy and effort.
Madison Insight Meditation Group :  Madison Vipassana Retreat: A Detox for the Heart
2018-07-19 17 Walking Instructions: Staying in Flow 4:20
As we walk, we’re moving through the aggregates, through the field of mind as it opens with its senses of urgency, discord, worry. Sustain mobile mindfulness, walking through your psychological and emotional ‘weather’.
Madison Insight Meditation Group :  Madison Vipassana Retreat: A Detox for the Heart
2018-07-18 13 Guided Meditation: Disengaged Awareness 39:52
We’re not having an experience, we are an experience. An experience that’s changing, that’s affected. Allowing content to arise and manifest generates spaciousness and eases the sense of self.
Madison Insight Meditation Group :  Madison Vipassana Retreat: A Detox for the Heart
2018-07-18 14 Allowing Innate Intelligence to Arise 55:03
Two kinds of reflexes occur in the flow of experience: not knowing what to do and knowing what to do. Both are subject to suffering. Recognize that within experience there is an innate intelligence, clarity, refuge if we allow it to arise. Doing is guesswork; being is clearer.
Madison Insight Meditation Group :  Madison Vipassana Retreat: A Detox for the Heart

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