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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Ajahn Sucitto's Dharma Talks
Ajahn Sucitto
As a monk, I bring a strong commitment, along with the renunciate flavor, to the classic Buddhist teachings. I play with ideas, with humor and a current way of expressing the teachings, but I don't dilute them.
2018-07-18 15 Q&A: I Don’t Answer Questions I Respond to People 68:00
Ajahn Sucitto reflects on questions posed about breathing, how to engage with the felt sense, heedfulness vs mindfulness, metta practice and cultivating an open heart
Madison Insight Meditation Group :  Madison Vipassana Retreat: A Detox for the Heart
2018-07-17 11 You Don’t Stop Craving, You Stop Believing in It 68:20
The mind is a dynamic process with a certain familiarity to it that seems to reiterate and get stuck in wanting and not wanting. Liberation from this begins with not getting involved with, tussling with or pandering to the habit of craving.
Madison Insight Meditation Group :  Madison Vipassana Retreat: A Detox for the Heart
2018-07-17 12 Guided Meditation: The Felt Sense of the Body 21:31
Awareness is a centering place. Not pushing away, not taking a position. It’s a reference point. Rest and remain present to the experiences and expressions of the heart.
Madison Insight Meditation Group :  Madison Vipassana Retreat: A Detox for the Heart
2018-07-16 07 Posture and Breath for Chanting 21:21
Chanting begins with opening the belly, chest and throat. Posture and relaxation help clear blocked areas so the heart tone of chanting can vibrate and deepen through the body. [9:50 – 21:30 breathing and voice exercises]
Madison Insight Meditation Group :  Madison Vipassana Retreat: A Detox for the Heart
2018-07-16 08 Guided Meditation: Soothing Nervous Energy Through Breathing and Body 24:17
A comprehensive guided meditation to bring gentle, full awareness to all of the parts of the body, creating connections across them. In this connected state, body channels can open allowing for energy flow and discharge.
Madison Insight Meditation Group :  Madison Vipassana Retreat: A Detox for the Heart
2018-07-16 09 Don’t Resist the Disorientation Experience 53:01
On retreat there can be disorientation – new people, place, restrictions that weren’t there before. Disorientation is a tough medicine, but we use it to meet the boundary of the habitual self with its instinct to ‘make things go my way'. Stay with the discomfort, so that the mind changes direction: to the settled ground, through the body.
Madison Insight Meditation Group :  Madison Vipassana Retreat: A Detox for the Heart
2018-07-16 10 Discerning Your Way Through Systems 13:33
One of the fundamental obstacles for unawakened beings is the attachment to systems and customs. Rather than a habit of a system or technique in meditation, rely on organic human intelligence. Discern what is skillful and unskillful, necessary and unnecessary. Keep paring away what’s not needed and dwell in what remains. Something is waiting to meet you – a certain stillness and firmness of the spirit.
Madison Insight Meditation Group :  Madison Vipassana Retreat: A Detox for the Heart
2018-07-15 02 Clearing Toxins of the Heart Through Body 60:26
The heart and mind are susceptible to toxins that drive action and infect intention. In the body we find a trustworthy orientation – a reliable source for knowing how it is now.
Madison Insight Meditation Group :  Madison Vipassana Retreat: A Detox for the Heart
2018-07-15 03 Standing Meditation: The Body Seeks Harmony 28:50
Guidance to help the body come into natural harmony. Notice the effects ground, space and breathing in the body. When the body feels safe, the skin boundary loosens and armor comes off.
Madison Insight Meditation Group :  Madison Vipassana Retreat: A Detox for the Heart
2018-07-15 04 Walking Instructions: Can You Move without a “There”? 7:36
Our walking is generally to get “there,” which carries with it a certain quality of distress. Instead, try walking without a “there”. Check the mental constructions of destination- including a ‘spiritual’ one - instead pay attention to how the body walks. It’s more peaceful that way!
Madison Insight Meditation Group :  Madison Vipassana Retreat: A Detox for the Heart

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