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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2012-06-01 The Heart's Innate Kindness 52:47
Mark Coleman
This talk explores some principles and practices of kindness via the metta practice, its obstacles and what helps to open the heart to oneself and others.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Metta Weekend Retreat

2012-05-29 Guided Six Sense Door Metta Meditation 15:33
Jesse Maceo Vega-Frey
A form of loving kindness integrated with our traditional mindfulness practice.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Part 1 – Lovingkindness: Metta Retreat

2012-04-29 Metta 50:59
Christina Feldman
Exploring Metta - Boundless Friendliness as an insight practice and path of awakening.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Women in Meditation

2012-04-28 SatPM-Instructions-and-Metta-Meditation 39:55
Tara Brach
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC 2012 IMCW Spring Retreat: Intimacy with Life

2012-04-26 Is Metta Enough? 49:19
Heather Sundberg
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley IMCB Regular Talks

2012-04-21 Metta - Neutral and Difficult Person 30:06
Rebecca Bradshaw
Instructions include a brief forgiveness meditation.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Kindhearted Awareness: Insight Meditation Retreat

2012-04-20 Guided Metta Meditation 31:46
Greg Scharf
Working with "dear friend" category.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Kindhearted Awareness: Insight Meditation Retreat

2012-04-19 Metta Meditation Introduction. Guided Meditation 30:59
Rebecca Bradshaw
Short introduction to metta and instructions on sending metta to self and "easy person"
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Kindhearted Awareness: Insight Meditation Retreat

2012-04-17 Metta 1:13:25
Marcia Rose
Mountain Hermitage Hermitage

2012-03-28 Reflections on Metta 42:51
Caroline Jones
Gaia House Meditation Day

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