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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2003-01-31 Grace and Dying 1 64:19
Gavin Harrison

2003-01-29 Not-Self: Taking A Fresh Look 67:19
Thanissaro Bhikkhu
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center CIMC Wednesday Talks

2003-01-29 Take a Deep Breath 60:44
Sylvia Boorstein
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2003-01-28 The Question Of Non-Self 1:43:04
Thanissaro Bhikkhu
New York Insight Meditation Center

2003-01-26 The Cultivation Of Generosity 47:54
Gloria Taraniya Ambrosia
This talk examines generosity, the quality of heart that takes us from self-absorption to open-heartedness. Generosity is one of the principle antidotes for the suffering states of greed, hatred and delusion.
Insight Meditation Center of the Mid-Peninsula

2003-01-25 Contemplating Space 62:16
Ajahn Sucitto

2003-01-25 Cultivating Calm And Insight 44:37
Ajahn Sucitto

2003-01-22 Pathways to Peace 1:11:01
Sylvia Boorstein

2003-01-22 Compassion and Emptiness 39:35
Christina Feldman
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

2003-01-22 Working With Hindrances 58:31
Adrianne Ross
How to work with some of the difficulties we face in our practice and in our lives.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2003-01-21 Investigation 50:12
Christina Feldman
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

2003-01-21 Understanding Contact 53:32
Ajahn Sucitto

2003-01-19 Don't Expect Second Best 49:15
Ajahn Sucitto

2003-01-18 Non-Doing 45:47
Rodney Smith
Carry the statement, "Seek first to understand before being understood," throughout this week. How does this intention create a listening attitude? Experience the effect of listening on your heart, how it opens you to caring. How does your behavior change when you allow actions to flow from listening instead of making assumptions prior to the action? Watch how the phrase interrupts reactive and impulsive thinking. Do you see the potential for changing many of your relationships through this intention?
Seattle Insight Meditation Society

2003-01-18 Animitta Nimitta Samadhi 52:23
Ajahn Sucitto

2003-01-18 Donkeys And Carrots 54:24
Ajahn Sucitto

2003-01-15 Dealing With Pressure And Stress 63:13
Ajahn Sucitto

2003-01-13 Redemption 59:27
Jack Kornfield
How transformation of the heart is possible. Includes the story of Anqulimala.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2003-01-13 Using Vaci-Sankhara 53:39
Ajahn Sucitto

2003-01-11 One Pointedness 51:26
Ajahn Sucitto

2003-01-10 Aligning Body Energy 44:37
Ajahn Sucitto

2003-01-10 Elements 59:49
Ajahn Sucitto

2003-01-05 The Wisdom of Not Knowing (Beginner's Mind) 62:06
Jack Kornfield
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2003-01-05 The Urban Buddhist 42:17
Rodney Smith
The retreat environment brings forth certain principles of the Buddha. Lay practice brings forth other principles. What are the tools and forms of urban life?
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center New Years Retreat

2003-01-04 The Potential To Awaken 46:00
Anna Douglas
What it means to live a life of awakening in a culture that values materials success, grasping and control.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2003-01-03 Metta 39:21
Ajahn Sucitto

2003-01-02 Metta 3 1:24:45
Sylvia Boorstein
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2003-01-02 Generosity 51:07
Adrianne Ross
How giving, relinquishing and receiving act to open the heart and are gateways to freedom.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2003-01-01 The Fires Of Passion 1:12:51
Thanissaro Bhikkhu
Metta Forest Monastery

2003-01-01 Suffering And Its End 55:55
Thanissaro Bhikkhu
RESPECT FOR SUFFERING The suffering that arises in the practice is a noble truth, something worthy of respect. You can’t just push it away. If you’re going to end suffering you have to give it space, understand it, and approach it systematically. INTERCONNECTEDNESS Interconnectedness is not always pretty. It means that our bad actions can have endless repercussions, and that our happiness is dependent on a very fragile web. But by becoming more skillful in our actions we can turn the principle of interconnectedness into a good thing: a path to a happiness that’s truly independent. BEING STILL The quieter you are, the more you see. Being quiet is a form of doing, and sometimes it’s the most skillful thing you can do: You learn perspective and sensitivity, and you position yourself in the best spot to recognize insight when it arises. THE WORLD IS SWEPT AWAY Instead of trying to find our happiness in a world of change, we take that changing world and turn it toward the changeless, look for that which is unchanging right here, right now. THE THREE CHARACTERISTICS The teaching on the Three Characteristics is meant to liberate the mind from unnecessary burdens. The normal mind shadows everything that happens, but as you bring the mind to every more subtle levels of stillness and ease, you can detect ever more subtle levels of inconstancy and stress, and so naturally let them go. FIVE TALKS ON ONE CASSETTE OR CD
Metta Forest Monastery

2003-01-01 Mind Collection 52:52
Thanissaro Bhikkhu
Metta Forest Monastery

2003-01-01 The Story and the Storyteller 40:00
Rodney Smith
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center New Years Retreat

2002-12-31 I Wanna Be Kwan Yin 42:45
Sharda Rogell
True practice is knowing that you are already a manifestation of compassion without trying. Knowing that, we let go of what is false and keep returning to our peaceful heart.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-12-30 Vulnerability and Freedom 48:24
Yanai Postelnik
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

2002-12-29 Joyful Effort 53:03
Christina Feldman
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

2002-12-29 Sensitivity Of The Heart 44:34
Rodney Smith
The meditation journey is traveling the distance between the mind and the heart.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center New Years Retreat

2002-12-23 The Sangha 45:41
Rodney Smith
Sangha is an essential element in the unfolding of ones Path.
Seattle Insight Meditation Society

2002-12-22 Desire for Enlightenment 53:00
Shaila Catherine
Desire is usually described as a hindrance to meditation, but to realize deathless liberation we must want to be free. A burning desire to awaken opens the heart and mind to a possibility of freedom otherwise not known. This talk examines the force of desire as both a form of craving that perpetuates suffering, and as a necessary and wholesome factor that supports the realization of nibbana (nirvana) and the end of suffering. We examine hindrances, pain, and obstacles from which we want to be free in order to realize unconditioned awakening. Working with desire has some risks, but it is a powerful force that encourages curiosity, investigation, and openness to possibility—the possibility of discovering a profound fearlessness, and enduring happiness, the possibility of enlightenment.
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley Tuesday Talks

2002-12-12 Q&A 63:16
Joseph Goldstein
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2002-12-12 Q&A 61:36
Joseph Goldstein
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2002-12-12 The Poison Arrow 46:43
Ayya Medhanandi
Stokes Valley Monastery Retreat, New Zealand The poison arrow of ignorance spreads its toxins through passion, desire and ill will. By sitting still, applying mindfulness and surrendering to what is, the right view will illuminate our minds and will help us extract the arrow and heal the wound.
Sati Saraniya Hermitage

2002-12-11 Your Creative Process 25:05
Anna Douglas
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-12-10 A Mind Empowered 5 Ways 34:01
Ayya Medhanandi
Learn how we can refine our mental skills of faith, energy, mindfulness, concentration and wisdom. Enhanced by right view and a deepened understanding of the Four Noble Truths, these spiritual powers vanquish hatred and fear, nurturing our readiness to forgive, and the blessed qualities of universal loving-kindness and compassion. A talk given during a 10-day retreat at Bodhinyanarama Monastery, Stokes Valley, New Zealand in 2002.
Bodhinyanarama Monastery, Stokes Valley, New Zealand

2002-12-09 Chariot to Nibbana 57:21
Ayya Medhanandi
What is the best chariot according to the Dhamma? A commentary on the Buddha’s conversation with Ananda about the noble vehicle that will carry you victoriously along the spiritual path - to Nibbana, full awakening.  A talk given at a 10-day retreat in Bodhinyanarama Monastery, Stokes Valley, New Zealand in 2002.
Bodhinyanarama Monastery, Stokes Valley, New Zealand

2002-12-08 Practice Here & There - Practice Everywhere 66:10
Marcia Rose
Integrating practice into the whole of our life; this beautiful noble path of awakening as a great support and a great protection for our life as our practice.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three Month Retreat Part 2

2002-12-07 When Things Fall Apart 62:13
Gavin Harrison

2002-12-07 Self-Kindness and Self-Indulgence 42:31
Rodney Smith
Study a few of your behaviors this week such as sleeping, eating, or recreational enjoyment such as listening to music or watching videos. How much of these activities arise from self-indulgence and how much from self-kindness? Are all forms of entertainment self-indulgent? Since almost any action can be either indulgent or kind, what determines which way you label it? When you consider yourself equally deserving (self-love) then the quality of your action is as important as the result. Do you believe this is a true statement? What does self-love have to do with the way you do things? Isn't it good enough that the results benefit others? Explore this question this week and watch whether you consider yourself equally deserving in your actions.
Seattle Insight Meditation Society

2002-12-06 Coming Home To Ourselves 58:30
Kamala Masters
This talk is about some of the beautiful qualities of mind that are cultivated with each moment of mindfulness.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three Month Retreat Part 2

2002-12-06 Sangha: A Path of Relationship 45:21
Rodney Smith
Questions for personal inquiry: Do you experience most interpersonal relationships as growth opportunities or troubling? Do you make space in your life for others? Do you frequently feel isolated and lonely? How much of the isolation comes from assumptions about self and other? Do you make the effort to attend gatherings of like-minded people? Reflection: What was your life like before you knew the existence of "a Path"? What is different now? How does the sangha support that Path and your growth on it? Would the Path be the same without the sangha? What efforts do you make to build cohesion in the sangha? Exercise: Become active in your support of like-minded people. Befriend someone from the sangha, volunteer for a community activity, join a like-minded group or become socially engaged in meaningful action. The sangha like the dharma takes each one of us to make it complete.
Seattle Insight Meditation Society

2002-12-05 Choice Words 57:12
Steve Armstrong
the five characteristics of well spoken speech: from a friendly heart, gently, truthfully, for other's benefit and at the proper time
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2002-12-04 Joseph's Dharma Life Story 63:42
Joseph Goldstein
Joseph shares personal stories about his dharma journey.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2002-12-03 Equanimity Guided Meditation 49:44
Joseph Goldstein
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2002-12-02 The Power Of Metta: Is Insight Enough? 59:13
Guy Armstrong
Metta is a powerful tool in the journey of awakening. The practice makes the heart more responsive and also offers purification, concentration, connection to all of life, and happiness.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2002-12-01 The Lion's Roar 67:25
Marcia Rose
There is great power and strength in the capacity to connect within our self and to others. Directly, clearly, patiently and fearlessly with a heart/mind that is free of ill-will and rooted in lovingkindness and mindfulness.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three Month Retreat Part 2

2002-11-28 The Highest Blessing 49:46
Kamala Masters
This is a reading of the Mahamangala Sutta, the highest blessings, with some commentary on various aspects that relate to our life.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three Month Retreat Part 2

2002-11-27 Mindfulness And Metta 49:54
John Travis
The practice of mindfulness and heart.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-11-26 Q&A 57:30
Joseph Goldstein
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2002-11-25 Thanksgiving 62:24
Jack Kornfield
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-11-24 Generosity - A Powerful Medicine 62:19
Marcia Rose
An inner wealth of generosity is powerful medicine. An antidote to the anguish and confusion that's generated through the training to accumulate and fixate upon and cling to our accumulations, generosity a seamless circle - giving and receiving. It feeds and grows itself.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three Month Retreat Part 2

2002-11-22 The River Of Change 53:45
Kamala Masters
The direct experience of the truth of change at ever-deepening levels re-aligns our relationship with the world and enables us to let be and let go.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three Month Retreat Part 2

2002-11-21 Anatta Characteristic 66:30
Steve Armstrong
The Buddha instructed us to see events as "not me, not mine, not who I am." When the body, choices, personal history and the narrator are seen in this way, the happiness of peace becomes possible.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2002-11-20 Bvihara - Mudita Practice 44:46
Marcia Rose
Instructions - Mudita Practice. Short reflection with oneself - good, helpful, skillful things we've done. Mudita phrases with - some it's easy to rejoice for/with--------and a benefactor, a friend, a family member, fellow yogi, all yogis on retreat.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three Month Retreat Part 2

2002-11-19 Relative and Ultimate Bodhicitta 53:31
Joseph Goldstein
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2002-11-18 Mudita: Joy With - Joy For 61:58
Marcia Rose
Mudita - the natural response of the heart - our capacity to see joy in relationship to another's happiness, success, beauty, goodness or well being. Exploring and recognizing the joy that has no 'self' at the center of it… the momentary joy of the pure heart.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three Month Retreat Part 2

2002-11-16 Opening Our Heart to Love 56:17
Patricia Genoud-Feldman
Opening the heart and training the mind through the practice of lovingkindness enables one to deeply connect with the truth of life as it unfolds. This brings forths a grateful mind like serenity, calm abiding and peaceful love.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three Month Retreat Part 2

2002-11-11 Dipa Ma 59:08
Jack Kornfield
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-11-11 Transformation Of Afflictive Emotions 1:17:04
Marcia Rose
Cultivating a strong and clear mindful attention that meets the experience of the moment allows us to see the afflictive emotions clearly.. To see through them like we see through the colors of a rainbow. This 'seeing' brings with it the possibility of the transformation of afflictive states into wholesome energies.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three Month Retreat Part 2

2002-11-09 Big Mind Meditation 11:03
Joseph Goldstein
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2002-11-06 Doubt, Restlessness, Sloth 61:23
Joseph Goldstein
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2002-11-05 The Judging Mind 42:26
Rodney Smith
Judgement is a defense against feeling inadequate. The belief in inadequacy is a defense against the fear of being nothing. The fear of being nothing is a defense against silence, in which our nothingness is confirmed.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-11-04 Not Mind, Not Buddha, Not Anything 69:14
Norman Fischer
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-11-03 Trusting the Process Of Awakening 53:39
Debra Chamberlin-Taylor
Maps and poems from various traditions which remind us that awakening includes cycles of death and rebirth. How to trust and work with the difficult phases.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-11-03 Kathina talk 42:39
Ajahn Sucitto

2002-11-03 Concentration And Mindfulness 55:28
Marcia Rose
Reigning the mind in from all it's myriad distractions… cultivating the power of concentration in order to see clearly. Pay attention in a non judging, non manipulative, non grasping, non rejecting attention - the magic of mindfulness, taking us out of illusion directly into reality.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three Month Retreat Part 2

2002-11-01 Welcome to Part 2 with Marcia 59:21
Joseph Goldstein
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2002-11-01 Liberation through Non-Clinging 60:09
Joseph Goldstein
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2002-11-01 Welcome to Three Month Retreat 60:52
Joseph Goldstein
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2002-11-01 Referencing The Moment 37:58
Rodney Smith
Thought continually moves out to reference something uniquely now.
Seattle Insight Meditation Society

2002-10-31 Finding Unshakable Faith Faith On The Path 57:50
Myoshin Kelley
By learning the qualities of faith-trust, devotion, confidence and clarity of mind, we can begin to see faith unfolding in our own hearts. How faith helps to motivate and energize our practice.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2002-10-30 Take Care 60:05
Sylvia Boorstein
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-10-30 Awareness & Compassion 61:25
Carol Wilson
The natural expression of emptiness or anatta is compassion or friendliness. This motivation of heart develops naturally as wisdom and mindfulness deepen and we cannotice this happening both in retreat and in our daily lives.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2002-10-28 To Have a Life 65:02
Sharon Salzberg
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2002-10-28 Walking The Spiritual Path Lightly 52:01
Michele McDonald
Balancing connection, detachment, humor and spiritual friendship through the radiant beauty of the mystical.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three Month Retreat Part 1

2002-10-27 Connecting The Buddha's Journey With Our Own 58:06
Joseph Goldstein
Stages in the journey of awakening. How the Buddha's life relates to our own.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2002-10-23 Q&A 60:50
Joseph Goldstein
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2002-10-21 Poetry, Beauty, & Art 65:40
Jack Kornfield
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-10-18 Self-Judgement And Compassion 61:13
Carol Wilson
Our habit of aversion stems from our not deeply understanding the First Noble Truth, -and thus reacting to difficulty with various forms of denial, resistance, avoidance. When we see that our tendency to judge ourselves is based on misunderstanding the way things are, we can open to our experience with more wisdom and compassion.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2002-10-16 Self and Selflessness 58:22
Joseph Goldstein
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2002-10-16 Working with Aversion with Q&A 1:11:14
Mark Coleman
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-10-15 Brahma Vihara Guided Metta 42:51
Joseph Goldstein
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2002-10-14 Characteristics of experience 63:48
Ajahn Sucitto

2002-10-14 Understanding Mara And The Seven Factors Of Awakening (Part 1) 52:30
Michele McDonald
Being awake or asleep is a choice we make each moment of our life -- understanding how to balance and maintain mindfulness, investigation, energy and joyful interest.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three Month Retreat Part 1

2002-10-11 Bringing the Dharma Home 13:09
Ruth Denison
Incorporating the Dharma in everyday life. Dharma experiences from students and short guided metta.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-10-10 Impermanence 64:43
Ruth Denison
A talk on death and how we meet it, the possibility of it each day.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-10-10 Stories On Death and Dying 46:48
Ruth Denison
Integrating experiences of death and dying in daily life.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-10-10 Ruth's 80th Birthday: Stories and Celebration 2:05:01
Ruth Denison
Sharings of the dharma experiences both from Ruth Denison and her students.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-10-10 Not Fearing Freedom 59:54
Carol Wilson
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2002-10-09 Full Body Sweep 54:27
Ruth Denison
Exploring the full body from the top of the head to the bottom of the feet. Moving slowly from place to place, tuning in to various sensations on all levels: from the outer flesh and hairs through muscles, bones and cells.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-10-09 Skeleton Dance: Cultivating Mindfulness and Joy 30:34
Ruth Denison
An active Dharma talk through dance and movement. A step-by-step explorative talk, dancing into bodily awareness of joy and mindfulness, using the sense doors of sight, sound, touch and perception
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-10-09 Working with Fear 61:23
Joseph Goldstein
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

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