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Dharma Talks
2020-11-07 Die transformierende Kraft des Mitgefühls 62:28
Yuka Nakamura
Mitgefühl ist eine zentrale Qualität, die wir entwickeln wollen. Es ist nicht nur die angemessenste Antwort auf das Leiden in uns selbst und in anderen, sondern es hat auch die Macht, den Herzgeist zu transformieren. Durch Mitgefühl können wir schmerzhafte Erfahrungen besser halten und geschickter mit ihnen umgehen. Mitgefühl lässt auch innere Klarheit und Raum entstehen, in dem sich tiefe, befreiende Weisheit entfalten kann.
Zentrum Freier Buddhismus Essen :  Online-Retreat Weisheit und Mitgefühl

2020-11-07 Grounded in Skin, Flesh and Bones 17:17
A guided meditation on the earth element, part of a day of retreat online, hosted by Red Clay Sangha
Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery

2020-11-07 Retreat Close 1:33:35
Arinna Weisman
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Deepening into the Heart of Love and Freedom with Noliwe Alexander, Lama Rod Owens, MA, Arinna Weisman, Katy Wiss and Melvin L. Escobar, LCSW, RYT

2020-11-07 A Platonic Relationship with Body and Mind 39:56
A Dhamma talk on the 6 sense fields, part of a day of retreat online, hosted by Red Clay Sangha
Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery

2020-11-07 Finding a True Refuge during Traumatic Times 68:13
Amita Schmidt
During times of trauma, it's important to learn how to find a true refuge within you heart and mind. This talk will help you find some ways to do this. The talk was part of a zoom retreat with video clips and handouts, can see the video version at:
Mariposa Sangha

2020-11-07 Basic Meditation Instructions 26:43
Amita Schmidt
Mariposa Sangha

2020-11-07 Resetting during Difficult Times and Circumstances 22:32
Amita Schmidt
This is the introduction to a retreat on Finding a True Refuge During Times of Trauma. This introduction is about helping your nervous system reset in the pandemic or during any difficult time. It was part of zoom retreat with a film clip so if you want to see the video:
Mariposa Sangha

2020-11-07 Intro 4 Establishments of Mindfulness 48:52
Leigh Brasington
Dharma Zephyr Insight Meditation Community :  The Jhanas and Insight: a 10-Day Online Retreat

2020-11-07 14 meditation: recognising skilful states 15:15
Jill Shepherd
A short meditation tuning in to skilful qualities of heart and mind
Auckland Insight Meditation Cultivating resilience in challenging times: Learning from the "heavenly messengers"

2020-11-07 Expansive Six Sense Fields 54:51
A guided meditation on the six sense bases, part of a day of retreatonline, hosted by Red Clay Sangha
Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery

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