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gift of the teachings
Yuka Nakamura's Dharma Talks
Yuka Nakamura
Yuka Nakamura has practiced Buddhist meditation since 1993 in the Theravada, Dzogchen and Zen traditions, and has been trained as a teacher by Fred von Allmen. Living in Switzerland, she teaches meditation and Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction.
2020-05-23 Bringing Metta to Life 49:44
How can we practise Metta - benevolence - in the midst of our life? Metta can express itself in many ways, as generosity, ethics and kind speech, but also in the way we perceive people, appreciating what is good, and the world, seeing the non-separation and interconnectedness and living from this understanding.
Meditationszentrum Beatenberg Ascenscion Online Retreat
2020-05-02 Die Āsavas - Wenn der Geist sich be-einflussen lässt 59:31
Die Āsavas - die sogenannten Triebflüsse oder Ströme - halten uns im Kreislauf des Leidens gefangen und beeinträchtigen auch unsere Fähigkeit, uns in einer heilsamen Weise auf die Welt zu beziehene. Im Vortrag werden die drei Triebflüsse (Sinnesfreuden, Werden, Unwissenheit) erläutert.
Meditationszentrum Beatenberg Online Vipassana-Retreat
2020-02-25 Satipatthāna - The Discourse of Establishing Mindfulness 31:41
The Satipatthāna Sutta is one of the most famous discourses in the Pali Canon that has informed the practice of Vipassana meditation and mindfulness meditation. The talks give an overview of the whole sutta.
Bodhi College Buddhist Foundations of Mindfulness
2020-02-18 Metta leben - Mettapraxis im Alltag 47:02
Im Alltag bieten sich unzählige Gelegenheiten um Metta, die Qualität der Freundlichkeit und des Wohlwollens, zu üben und zu manifestieren. Dazu gehören Gesten der Grosszügigkeit, ethisches Handeln, Freundlichkeit in unseren Worten etc. Letzlich lässt uns Metta die Nicht-Getrenntheit von allen Wesen erkennen und entsprechend handeln.
Meditationszentrum Beatenberg
2020-01-15 Instructions of choiceless attention and awareness of awareness 53:53
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Foundations of Mindfulness-Based Approaches: Insight Meditation Retreat
2020-01-14 Right Intention 55:54
Our actions are often driven by unconscious or conflicting intentions. How can we align with wholesome intentions and cultivate wholesome mindstates?
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Foundations of Mindfulness-Based Approaches: Insight Meditation Retreat
2020-01-13 Guided Metta meditation for self and benefactor 43:30
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Foundations of Mindfulness-Based Approaches: Insight Meditation Retreat
2020-01-12 Instructions on mindfulness of vedana 54:06
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Foundations of Mindfulness-Based Approaches: Insight Meditation Retreat
2020-01-11 The Four Ennobling Truths 61:30
The teaching on the four ennobling truths speaks to our lived experience. It addresses the existential fact of facing suffering, pain, stress, and conflict in our lives and offers a way to understand the causes and conditions that lead to suffering and to the end of suffering. The four ennobling truths can guide us in our practice.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Foundations of Mindfulness-Based Approaches: Insight Meditation Retreat
2020-01-10 Instructions on practicing with the hinderances. 44:35
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Foundations of Mindfulness-Based Approaches: Insight Meditation Retreat

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