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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2023-10-30 Navigating Uncertainty with Awakened Tenderness 1:31:53
Kaira Jewel Lingo
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2023-10-30 Mindfulness of Breathing - Week 8 of 8 - Meditation 35:19
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center

2023-10-30 Mindfulness of Breathing - Week 8 of 8 - Talk 30:24
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center

2023-10-30 Meeting emotions with mindfulness and wisdom 69:11
Bhante Buddharakkhita
Twelve ways of meeting emotions with mindfulness and wisdom. Search practices pave the way to peace, happiness, and freedom.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 2

2023-10-30 Geisteszustände, ihre Bedeutung und unser Umgang mit ihnen 44:54
Renate Seifarth
Geisteszustände leiten uns in unseren Handlungen und führen entweder in die Richtung von Leiden oder von Frieden. Kilesa oder Klesha werden die Befleckungen genannt, die Unheil hervorbringen. Sie wollen wir erkennen und einordnen. Die Gegenmittel liegen im rechten vierfachen Bemühen, das direkte wertfreie Gewahrwerden fördert ihr Verstehen und erlaubt eine freie Entscheidung des Umgangs mit ihnen.
Seminarhaus Engl

2023-10-30 morning Instructions - vedana 59:21
Tuere Sala
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 2

2023-10-29 Clinging and release in relation to mindfulness of the body 52:18
Jill Shepherd
Exploring clinging IN the body and clinging TO the body (ie identification with it), and ways to experience release of this clinging
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 2

2023-10-29 The Liberating Potential of Wisdom and Awareness - Week 3 - Chanting Introduction & Meditation 39:29
Mark Nunberg
Includes opening remarks by Mark about the Suffusion with the Divine Abidings chant. Guided meditation begins at 7:55
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2023-10-29 The Liberating Potential of Wisdom and Awareness - Week 3 - Talk 36:05
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2023-10-29 Instruction – thoughts 58:50
Rebecca Bradshaw
Guided meditation on thinking
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 2

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