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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2010-05-06 Breaking the Chains of Craving: Part 2 45:46
James Baraz
Breaking the Chains of Craving: Part 2
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley IMCB Regular Talks

2010-05-06 Chanting and Morning Reflection 69:25
Ajahn Amaro
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Monastic Retreat

2010-05-05 Fearless Kindness 49:25
Christina Feldman
Kindness is one of the foundations of awakening enabling us to meet the forces of fear that can distort our lives.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Women in Meditation

2010-05-05 The Hero's Journey - The Return 47:12
Pamela Weiss

2010-05-05 Q&A 2 37:09
Amma Thanasanti
Exact date of talk is uncertain.
Shakti Vihara Four Foundations of Mindfulness

2010-05-05 Guided Forgiveness Meditation 31:53
Amma Thanasanti
Exact date of talk is uncertain.
Shakti Vihara Four Foundations of Mindfulness

2010-05-05 Introduction to Forgiveness - Guilt vs Remorse 8:49
Amma Thanasanti
Exact date of talk is uncertain.
Shakti Vihara Four Foundations of Mindfulness

2010-05-05 Guided Meditation Unfolding in Awareness 40:26
Amma Thanasanti
Exact date of talk is uncertain.
Shakti Vihara Four Foundations of Mindfulness

2010-05-05 Obstacles & Skillful Means on the Path 47:22
Amma Thanasanti
Exact date of talk is uncertain.
Shakti Vihara Four Foundations of Mindfulness

2010-05-05 Four Reflections That Turn Us to Deeper Practice, II 66:10
Donald Rothberg
We continue to explore the Tibetan based teaching of the Four Reflections (or reminders) which help us turn more fully to the Dharma, giving a brief review of 1) the preciousness and rarity of human life, and 2) impermanence and suffering, then moving to examine in more depth 3) how our actions and thoughts matter and leave imprints- or karma, and 4) the importance of knowing and turning always from our habitual tendencies leading to suffering.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

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