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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2007-10-23 Walking Meditation 28:02
Ajahn Sucitto
Walking helps to shift energies of the mind. The movement of walking holds the mind, helping it give up its preoccupations and come into the body. Breathing in and out, taking one step at a time, the afflicted stirred up energy recedes and you feel yourself in flow. Let your mind rest in that.
Cittaviveka Group Retreat
In collection: A Moving Balance

2007-10-22 Practicing With Sates Of Mind And Heart 58:24
Donald Rothberg
After a framing of why we practice and how this intensive practice can inform our wider lives, and a short account of the qualities of mindfulness we explore how to practice in states of mind and heart. Using the model of RAIN (Recognition, Acceptance, Inquiry, Non-identification), we examine a number of ways to work with states of mind and heart, using as case studies, working with anger, judgment (harsh reactive judgment) and others.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Cultivating Clear Seeing, Opening the Heart

2007-10-22 #3 Turning The Wheel Of Dhamma 59:54
Stephen Batchelor
A reflection on the COUNTER-INTUITIVE nature of the Buddha's teaching - how the Dhamma goes against deeply seated intuition, e.g., that there is something permanent in this impermanent world. This is followed by a reading of and reflection on the first discourse the Buddha gave, which outlines the middle way and the four ennobling truths. To be followed in talk #4 by a detailed reading of the four truths as four injunctions rather than four things to believe.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Meditation and Study Retreat

2007-10-22 Creative Engagement 47:15
Martine Batchelor
Grasping and non-grasping in connection to self, people, things, views - how grasping makes us exaggerate and proliferate and how creative engagement can help our creative potential manifest and develop.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Meditation and Study Retreat

2007-10-22 The Dharma Of Community Development 1:11:57
Jack Kornfield
The Dharma of community, the spirit of generosity and the development of love and care between humans.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2007-10-22 Why Do I Meditate? 46:37
Leela Sarti
Gaia House The Heart Of Wisdom And Compassion

2007-10-22 Benefits of Meditation 46:37
Leela Sarti
Gaia House The Heart Of Wisdom And Compassion

2007-10-21 The Five Difficult Energies 65:12
Donald Rothberg
We sometimes feel very connected with our love, wisdom, and mindfulness. At other times, we may feel disconnected from these qualities, stuck in what the Buddha called the five "difficult energies" (or hindrances). We explore compulsive desire and aversion, sloth & torpor, restlessness, and doubt - suggesting how to respond to these when they arise, both in meditation and daily life.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Cultivating Clear Seeing, Opening the Heart

2007-10-21 #2 Going Against The Stream 56:31
Stephen Batchelor
A continuation of the study of the Buddha's account of his awakening in the ARIYAPARIYESANA SUTTA (M.26). Mindfulness as the way to GROUND oneself in the GROUND of Conditional Arising. the subjective pole of this ground is the stopping of greed, hatred, delusion. The Buddha was reluctant to teach because what he had awoken to "WENT AGAINST THE STREAM". The talk concludes with several passages from the UPANISHADS to illustrate this.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Meditation and Study Retreat

2007-10-21 Equanimity And Mindfulness Of Body 50:57
Sharda Rogell
Mindfulness in body as ground will help us to deal with our physical and emotional feelings in a non-reactive way. What does equanimity truly mean in dealing with difficult feelings.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Meditation and Study Retreat

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