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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2002-04-25 Emptiness - It's Just This 66:40
Ajahn Sucitto
Distilling the salient forms that are settling. Handling material. The ground of relative emptiness—”it’s just this.” Kamma formations, self, the making much of “do, do, do” and emptying that. Pleasure and protection, taking what you need. Subjectivity as opposed to self. Panic—do we have the spaciousness to learn?
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Embodied Mind

2002-04-25 Timeliness 66:52
Ajahn Sucitto
Embodied time - a sense of timeliness - is a useful reference; by relaxing into it, we move out of hyper and hypo states and return to grounded awareness.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Embodied Mind

2002-04-24 Questions and Answers 1:15:13
Ajahn Sucitto, Amma Thanasanti
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Embodied Mind

2002-04-24 Body, posture, breathing 49:21
Ajahn Sucitto

2002-04-24 The Rapturous Ground Of Being 63:14
Ajahn Sucitto
Describes the “ground of being” as the enlightenment factors. Rapture is a key to the support and uplift of this ground.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Embodied Mind

2002-04-23 Sparklers For Them 48:03
Willa Thaniya Reid

2002-04-23 Body - Posture - Breathing 46:37
Ajahn Sucitto
Instructions on establishing the posture for full and easeful breathing. Instructions on maintaining awareness through breathing.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Embodied Mind

2002-04-22 Gratitude And Trust 52:43
Phillip Moffitt
How to be in the moment in the face of life difficulties. How to live “into life” in the presence of loss and death. The power of gratitude and trust, and ways to cultivate them as mindfulness practice.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2002-04-22 The Ground Of Relative Emptiness 68:28
Ajahn Sucitto
This ground is empty of hindrances, the underlying ground of the enlightenment factors. It is accessible through samatha practice, vipassana practice, or just in being present.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Embodied Mind

2002-04-22 It's Good To Be Home 64:13
Ajahn Sucitto
Presence, being totally here, is a shared and sharing experience. Before committing to the “doingness” of meditation, check in with the “here-ness.” It is the underlying home of awakening.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Embodied Mind

2002-04-21 Layers Of Conditionality 1:10:28
Ajahn Sucitto
Our experience of identity can be classified on terms of bodily, emotive, cognitive processes/structures. The cognitive layer especially gets distorted with compulsions and judgements.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Embodied Mind

2002-04-20 Embodiment and Disembodiment 1:17:53
Ajahn Sucitto
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Embodied Mind

2002-04-20 Tonality As The Key To Awakening 60:55
Ajahn Sucitto
Overview of the process of awakening of which meditation forms a part - not the whole. All awakening processes are accompanied by a wholesome tonality.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Embodied Mind

2002-04-19 Opening Talk with Beginning and Ending Chanting 62:30
Ajahn Sucitto
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Embodied Mind

2002-04-16 Compassion And Wisdom 66:05
Martine Batchelor
This talk looks at the intimate connection between wisdom and compassion. Insight into the three characteristics leads to compassion. Compassion needs to be tempered by wisdom so it does not become misguided or superior.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-04-15 Four Foundations of Mindfulness 62:07
Jack Kornfield

2002-04-14 Non-Grasping 69:37
Martine Batchelor
This talk explores the process of grasping, which limits and reduces us. It also looks at non-grasping in various areas or our life.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-04-12 The Four Great Efforts 46:15
Rodney Smith
Balancing between cultivating wholesome qualities and not pursuing them as ends in themselves is the art of Buddhism.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2002-04-11 Reflections On Emptiness 50:28
Christina Feldman
The Buddha described emptiness as the abode of the great person. It is an understanding, seen so clearly in nature, that is possible for us to see in our own nature.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2002-04-10 Working With Thoughts - Papanca 1:10:43
Mark Coleman
Working skillfully with the thinking mind. Understanding how perceptual distortion and mental proliferation obscures the truth and takes us away from the present.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-04-08 Awakening Is Always Possible 61:49
Jack Kornfield
Seeking the sacred. The possibility of awakening exists in every moment. We all can sense our potential for bringing compassion to present world conflict. Stories of India and questions about the Middle East.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-04-08 Following The Pain Line 42:09
Rodney Smith
The first step of spiritual maturity is to move into pain. Holding the pain without explanation or justification allows it to open into emptiness.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2002-04-08 Awakening Is Always Possible 62:31
Jack Kornfield
Seeking the sacred. The possibility of awakening exists in every moment. We all can sense our potential for bringing compassion to present world conflict. Stories of India and questions about the Middle East.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2002-04-06 Need, Duty and Welfare 63:06
Ajahn Sucitto

2002-04-05 Nirvana In Samsara 45:14
Christopher Titmuss
Gaia House Retreat with Christopher Titmuss

2002-04-03 Awakening Wisdom And Compassion 69:46
Mark Coleman
This talk elucidates perspectives on the Buddhist Path. The possibility of freedom here and now and how to integrate understanding into our lives.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-04-02 Life Stories of Ruth Denison 47:02
Ruth Denison

2002-04-02 The Seven Factors Of Enlightenment 59:50
Christopher Titmuss
Gaia House Retreat with Christopher Titmuss

2002-04-02 Stopping And Starting The Heart 38:23
Christopher Titmuss
Gaia House Retreat with Christopher Titmuss

2002-04-01 Jhana Retreat Opening Talk 42:27
Christopher Titmuss
Gaia House Retreat with Christopher Titmuss

2002-04-01 Enlightenments 61:47
Jack Kornfield

2002-03-29 The Eightfold Path 1: Wise View 41:35
Rodney Smith
Wise view is the essential first step, which frames the entire path of practice.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2002-03-27 Renewing Our Hearts in 2002 63:01
Sylvia Boorstein
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-03-25 No Right, No Wrong 49:55
Marie Mannschatz
A story about misunderstanding and compassion —teachers and students in an Asian monastery.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-03-23 Saturday Dharma Talk 42:59
Molly Swan
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

2002-03-20 Realizing Our Basic Goodness Pt 3 57:24
Tara Brach

2002-03-20 Resting in Awareness 1:10:30
James Baraz
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-03-20 Relinquishment 45:15
Norman Feldman
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

2002-03-19 Mindfulness of Dharma 43:52
Norman Feldman
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

2002-03-19 Emotive Intelligence 64:19
Ajahn Sucitto

2002-03-18 Guided Body and Metta Meditation 41:24
Norman Feldman
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

2002-03-18 Cultivating Equanimity 63:25
Debra Chamberlin-Taylor
Stories of different ways to cultivate peace, balance and calm in the midst of life and death.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-03-17 Beyond the Form 34:11
Brad Richecoeur
Gaia House Meditation and Qi Gong Retreat

2002-03-16 Joys On The Path 58:10
Marie Mannschatz
Cultivating happiness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-03-13 Realizing our Basic Goodness Part 1 58:22
Tara Brach

2002-03-13 Resting in Knowing 64:13
Sharda Rogell
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-03-12 Fear 52:47
Marie Mannschatz
Paying attention to the different ways of working with fear.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-03-11 Living in a World of Change 55:31
Guy Armstrong
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-03-10 The Kindness And Challenge Of Mindfulness 48:04
Christina Feldman
Mindfulness teaches us the way to develop a non judgmental presence in all the moments of our lives. Equally mindfulness challenges us, inviting renunciation, investigation and simplicity.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Women's Retreat

2002-03-05 Faith: Bring The Heart To Practice 58:41
James Baraz
Developing faith as a quality of heart that is essential for our selves, our practice, and releasing the angst of doubt and the illusion of suffering. What is the place of faith in practice? How can we cultivate faith, trust and confidence? What is faith and how does it work?
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2002-03-05 Faith: Bring The Heart To Practice 53:01
James Baraz
Developing faith as a quality of heart that is essential for our selves, our practice, and releasing the angst of doubt and the illusion of suffering. What is the place of faith in practice? How can we cultivate faith, trust and confidence? What is faith and how does it work?
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-03-05 Faith: Bring The Heart To Practice 59:22
James Baraz
Developing faith as a quality of heart that is essential for our selves, our practice, and releasing the angst of doubt and the illusion of suffering. What is the place of faith in practice? How can we cultivate faith, trust and confidence? What is faith and how does it work?
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-03-04 Comparing Mind 59:17
James Baraz
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-03-02 Relative and Ultimate Truth 63:19
Joseph Goldstein
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Vipassana Retreat

2002-03-01 Delusion 55:06
Sharon Salzberg
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Vipassana Retreat

2002-03-01 Integrating Insight 49:11
Anna Douglas
The effect of insight on our attitudes, thoughts and feelings.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-02-28 Emptiness And Form 54:46
Ajahn Sucitto

2002-02-27 Ardency 1:12:36
Sylvia Boorstein
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-02-27 Liberation through Non-Clinging 15:48
Joseph Goldstein
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Vipassana Retreat

2002-02-27 Relationships As A Path Of Spiritual Awakening 42:36
Tara Brach
Our human relationships give rise to pain and pleasure, fear, suffering and love. As we bring our experience into the light of mindful awareness, we awaken compassion and discover the truth of our connectedness.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2002-02-25 Healing Separation 45:34
Anna Douglas
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-02-25 Right Effort 54:19
Sharon Salzberg
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Vipassana Retreat

2002-02-23 Science of Meditation 56:06
Joseph Goldstein
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Vipassana Retreat

2002-02-22 Opening Talk 46:04
Sharon Salzberg
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Vipassana Retreat

2002-02-22 Empty Knowing 56:50
Guy Armstrong
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-02-21 The 4 Brahma Viharas 44:42
Sharon Salzberg
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Metta Retreat

2002-02-20 Self Knowing - A Quiet Passion (4) 47:57
Larry Rosenberg
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center CIMC Wednesday Talks

2002-02-20 Living Your Life Out Loud 53:11
Sylvia Boorstein
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-02-20 Compassion 55:45
Joseph Goldstein
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Metta Retreat

2002-02-19 Opening To Experience: Forgiveness, Patience & Humor 1:33:53
James Baraz
Using forgiveness, patience, and humor as we open up to what is unpleasant without experiencing aversion, and to what is pleasant without experiencing grasping.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-02-19 Opening To Experience: Forgiveness, Patience & Humor 60:57
James Baraz
Using forgiveness, patience, and humor as we open up to what is unpleasant without experiencing aversion, and to what is pleasant without experiencing grasping.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-02-19 Emptiness And Compassion 57:33
Ajahn Sucitto

2002-02-18 Five Hindrances 21:21
Sharon Salzberg
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Metta Retreat

2002-02-18 The Tides Of Conceiving 59:24
Carol Wilson
Insight as a shift of perception--How our perceptions give rise to thoughts, associations, interpretations--the whole realm of papanca and suffering. Not to be caught in papanca is to be at peace.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-02-16 Metta - The Art Of Kindness 50:09
Joseph Goldstein
date estimated

2002-02-16 Metta - The Art of Kindness 52:43
Joseph Goldstein
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Metta Retreat

2002-02-16 Metta: The Art of Kindness 52:50
Joseph Goldstein
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Metta Retreat

2002-02-16 Clear Comprehension: The Context For Practice 57:35
James Baraz
Mindfulness as bare attention is supported and developed by bringing the content of clear comprehension, or full awareness, into practice. This includes clear comprehension of purpose, of suitability, of domain of meditation, and of reality.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-02-16 Samadhi Through Emptiness 56:54
Ajahn Sucitto

2002-02-15 Welcome Talk 58:07
Sharon Salzberg
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Metta Retreat

2002-02-13 Consolation 1:11:32
Sylvia Boorstein
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-02-12 Reporting To The Mother Ship: Wonder, Awe, Interest, Investigation 61:00
James Baraz
While Dharma practice takes courage to open to suffering, one also can bring a spirit of wonder and awe to the quality of investigation. We can open to the moment with interest, discovering reality in a fresh, new way.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-02-10 Breathing The Mind 35:57
Ajahn Sucitto

2002-02-09 The Bhaddekarrata Sutta - Reflections On True Solitude (4) 58:13
Larry Rosenberg
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Vipassana Retreat

2002-02-09 Benefits Of Metta Practice 62:09
Carol Wilson
The qualities of metta-lovingkindness-the essence of metta is simply connection. Exploring the habits of mind that obscure the natural recognition of non-separation which are desire and ill-will.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-02-08 Insight - The Nurse Of Dispassion 57:45
Ajahn Sucitto

2002-02-07 The Bhaddekarrata Sutta - Reflections On True Solitude (3) 46:12
Larry Rosenberg
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Vipassana Retreat

2002-02-06 Untitled 1:27:25
Thanissaro Bhikkhu
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center CIMC Wednesday Talks

2002-02-06 Letting Go Of Suffering: The Four Noble Truths 49:37
Michael Grady
Suffering as a gateway to liberation.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Vipassana Retreat

2002-02-05 The Bhaddekarrata Sutta - Reflections On True Solitude (2) 46:43
Larry Rosenberg
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Vipassana Retreat

2002-02-05 Compassion 50:31
Joseph Goldstein
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2002-02-05 Generating Supportive Conditions 1:12:06
Ajahn Sucitto

2002-02-04 Contentment With Awareness 51:21
Carol Wilson
Learning how to shift our motivation from wanting results to appreciating awareness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-02-04 The Freedom Of Letting Go 44:11
Michael Grady
Through gentle perseverance, learning to let go of the burden of the past.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Vipassana Retreat

2002-02-03 The Bhaddekarrata Sutta - Reflections On True Solitude (1) 45:46
Larry Rosenberg
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Vipassana Retreat

2002-02-03 The Brahma Viharas 48:05
Sharon Salzberg
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2002-02-03 The Happiness of the Buddha 52:53
Howard Cohn
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-02-03 The Joy In Renunciation 56:18
Guy Armstrong
Renunciation of the activities and relationships in our daily life is one of the chief supports of meditative deepening on retreats. Because renunciation is the active practice of non-desire, it leads to greater peace and happiness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-02-03 Breathing The Feelings 41:59
Ajahn Sucitto

2002-02-02 Opening Talk with Michael Grady 26:00
Larry Rosenberg

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