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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
1998-12-01 The Personal And The Impersonal 38:56
Christopher Titmuss
Gaia House Retreat with Christopher Titmuss

1998-12-01 The Five Aggregates - part 2 60:10
Guy Armstrong
how the five aggregates reveal the characteristics of selflessness
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1998-11-30 Sympathetic Joy - Mudita 59:33
Kamala Masters
When we can truly be happy for another person's happiness, the sense of feeling separate dissolves. From this place of boundary-less-ness, we begin to experientially understand a quiet joy that is invisible and much bigger than we could ever imagine.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center 1998 Three Month Retreat

1998-11-30 What Happens When You Stop the Story 53:58
Sylvia Boorstein

1998-11-29 Trusting Our Buddha Knowing 45:27
James Baraz

1998-11-29 Nature of Mind 56:16
Joseph Goldstein
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1998-11-28 The Five Aggregates - part I 58:11
Guy Armstrong
Why the Buddha compared the physical world to an empty mass of form. Understanding why the five aggregates are empty and void of essence. Based on a sutta in the Samyntta Mikaya: "Form is like a lump of foam, and consiousness like a magic show."
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1998-11-28 Anatta 56:09
Ajahn Sucitto

1998-11-27 Four Noble Truths 69:26
Gil Fronsdal

1998-11-27 Signs 1:12:11
Ajahn Sucitto

1998-11-26 Passionate Practice 45:08
Sylvia Boorstein

1998-11-25 Balance Of Effort 54:12
James Baraz
When whole-hearted commitment is balanced with a spacious lightness of heart, the practice flowers in a rich way. This talk explores how we can combine those two attitudes in our meditation and in our lives.

1998-11-24 Uncovering Ego 53:43
Guy Armstrong

1998-11-23 A Teaching From A Tear Drop 61:45
Kamala Masters
Insight into our interconnectedness with all of life can come through the deepening practice of metta. It can also be known through the emptiness of self.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center 1998 Three Month Retreat

1998-11-23 10 Perfections #9 - Lovingkindness 65:57
Jack Kornfield
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1998-11-23 Big Flower, Small Flower 61:07
Gil Fronsdal
Distinguishing the commentary from the direct experience.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1998-11-22 Liberation Through Non-clinging 67:54
Joseph Goldstein
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1998-11-22 Seeing In A New Way 55:25
Sylvia Boorstein
Vipassana means seeing things clearly. When we are overwhelmed, our view can become inhibited. Like a miracle, seeing from a different view allows us to see and do in a different way. All we need is one moment of clarity to feel freedom, and all else passes. Meditation is one revelation after another, leading one to see with more kindness and compassion for the benefit of all beings.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1998-11-21 Power of Intention 50:35
James Baraz

1998-11-20 The Wheel is Turning 1:25:07
Steve Armstrong
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1998-11-20 One pointedness 1:11:55
Ajahn Sucitto

1998-11-17 Views & Opinions 56:43
Carol Wilson
how we limit our world and understanding when we hold onto opinions and views

1998-11-17 The Longing To Awaken - II 63:27
Tara Brach
realizing the aspiration of out heart - living with receptivity and generosity
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1998-11-16 Trust And Courage 56:04
Kamala Masters
How do we cultivate a trust in our ability to open, moment-to-moment, to the ever-changing unfolding experiences within our practice? This talk has to do with the courage it takes to do that.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center 1998 Three Month Retreat
In collection: Trust

1998-11-16 10 Perfections #8 - Determination 62:10
Jack Kornfield
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1998-11-15 The Way of the Mystic 56:25
Ayya Medhanandi
A reflection on the tale of Patacara’s meeting with the Buddha after the deaths of her sons, husband, and parents and how she attains equanimity in the face of great suffering. A talk given at Amaravati Buddhist Monastery, UK, Death & Dying Retreat.
Amaravati Monastery

1998-11-10 Compassion 55:27
Carol Wilson
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1998-11-10 The Longing To Awaken I 61:13
Tara Brach
realizing the aspiration of our heart - living with receptivity and generosity
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1998-11-10 Participation 63:54
Ajahn Sucitto

1998-11-09 Generosity And Gratitude 60:07
Kamala Masters
It is said that there are two rare and precious beings in this world; one who is generous and one who feels gratitude. This talk is about how these qualities bring to our daily lives more happiness, and how generosity leads to liberation.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center 1998 Three Month Retreat

1998-11-09 Anatta 1:10:31
Ajahn Amaro
Exploring the Buddhas unique and subtle teachings on selflessness.

1998-11-09 Perfection #7 Truthful love 65:39
Jack Kornfield

1998-11-09 10 Perfections #7 - Perfection of Truth 61:04
Jack Kornfield
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1998-11-08 The Wisdom of No Escape 39:44
Yanai Postelnik
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

1998-11-08 Impermanence and Motivation 62:02
Joseph Goldstein
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1998-11-08 The wheel of Dhamma 58:53
Ajahn Sucitto

1998-11-07 Otherness 54:22
Ajahn Sucitto

1998-11-06 Hindrances As Opportunities 63:51
Steve Armstrong
difficult mental states offer special opportunities to awaken
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1998-11-05 Coming Home- Renunciation 55:14
Carol Wilson
making the conscious choice for our own happiness and well being

1998-11-03 The Place of Devotion 41:17
Yanai Postelnik
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

1998-11-02 10 Perfections #6 - Perfection of Patience 57:52
Jack Kornfield
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1998-11-02 Patience As A Path To Travel On 57:30
Michele McDonald
patience with transitional times and with the purification process thereof
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Partial #1 (6 weeks)

1998-11-01 Not Clinging 34:40
Arinna Weisman
"All things should not be clung to. Whoever hears this hears all Buddhism"
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1998-10-30 Neither Title Nor Untitled 1:12:03
Ajahn Amaro
A religious seeker is one who has no future.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1998-10-29 Wisdom, Love, Compassion, Fear 63:52
Joseph Goldstein
how the practice opens us to these qualities, and how to work with them

1998-10-28 Both Titled And Untitled 60:04
Ajahn Amaro
Listening to the mind without entanglements.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1998-10-27 Training Precepts On The Buddhist Path 58:00
Tara Brach
guidelines for wise and compassionate living
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1998-10-27 Joy Beyond Its Objects 56:28
Michele McDonald
joyful interest as the Gateway to Awakening
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Partial #1 (6 weeks)

1998-10-26 The Essence Of Dhamma 57:44
Ajahn Amaro
Patiently surrendering into benevolence and kindness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1998-10-24 Unconditioned Reality 56:29
Ajahn Amaro
Recognizing the unrecognizable.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1998-10-24 Repetition: Habit of Freedom 54:39
Steve Armstrong
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1998-10-24 Anapanasati VIII Fourth Tetrad 60:55
Ajahn Sucitto
Cittaviveka Anapanasati Series

1998-10-23 Opening Talk For The Monastic Retreat 52:46
Ajahn Amaro
Exploring the monastic tradition.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1998-10-23 Exploring the Monastic Tradition 51:56
Ajahn Amaro
Opening talk for the monastic retreat.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1998-10-23 Anapanasati VII Third Tetrad 58:27
Ajahn Sucitto
Cittaviveka Anapanasati Series

1998-10-22 Anapanasati VI Second Tetrad 55:53
Ajahn Sucitto
Cittaviveka Anapanasati Series

1998-10-21 Anapanasati V 38:01
Ajahn Sucitto
Cittaviveka Anapanasati Series

1998-10-20 Wise Attention 57:30
Carol Wilson
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1998-10-20 Anapanasati IV First Tetrad 40:01
Ajahn Sucitto
Cittaviveka Anapanasati Series

1998-10-19 10 Perfections #5 - Perfection of Wisdom 57:17
Jack Kornfield
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1998-10-19 Anapanasati III First Tetrad 42:19
Ajahn Sucitto
Cittaviveka Anapanasati Series

1998-10-18 Anapanasati II First Tetrad 63:23
Ajahn Sucitto
Cittaviveka Anapanasati Series

1998-10-17 Walking Through The Joy And Sorrow In This World With Wisdom And Love 57:55
Michele McDonald
deepening our commitment to understanding life, rather than judging it
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Partial #1 (6 weeks)

1998-10-17 Anapanasati I First Tetrad 49:27
Ajahn Sucitto
Cittaviveka Anapanasati Series

1998-10-15 Self and Selflessness 60:49
Joseph Goldstein
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1998-10-15 Right Thought: Creating An Inspiring Vision 43:09
James Baraz
As we understand the power of thoughts to create our reality, we can empower those thoughts that inspire us and see the emptiness of those thoughts that don't serve. This is the key to manifesting our vision of awakening.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

1998-10-13 Meeting Aversion With Kindness 64:20
Carol Wilson
Reconnecting to the natural luminosity of our minds.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1998-10-12 Developing Balanced Sensitivity 1:15:53
Jack Kornfield
with Alex

1998-10-12 Living Wholeheartedly 55:23
Tara Brach
exploring how to include our whole lives in mindfuless and heartfulness
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1998-10-11 Mindfulness As A Last Resort 49:40
Michele McDonald
going beyond the transitory - understanding of the unsatisfactory nature of experience
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Partial #1 (6 weeks)

1998-10-07 The Hindrances: Aversion, Sloth & Torpor 55:31
Joseph Goldstein
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1998-10-06 The Two Wings Of Freedom 58:32
Myoshin Kelley
The journey of awakening is the cultivation of the qualities of wisdom and compassion. These two qualities need to be strong and in balance to support their unfolding. We learn how to keep these qualities strong and in balance so they can become the wings to freedom.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1998-10-05 10 Perfections # 4 - Perfection of Energy 50:28
Jack Kornfield
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1998-10-05 The Poetry Of Mindfulness 53:52
Michele McDonald
how mindfulness brings about a deep acceptance of the rhythms of change in our lives
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Partial #1 (6 weeks)

1998-10-02 Birth, Death And Practice 58:27
Steve Armstrong
the conditioning influences of the past and the future are seen through practice
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1998-10-01 From Neediness To Desirelessness 47:49
Christopher Titmuss
Gaia House Retreat with Christopher Titmuss

1998-10-01 AM Instructions 32:52
Steven Smith
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1998-10-01 Bodhicitta and the Transformation 54:25
Joseph Goldstein
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1998-10-01 Known To Unknown 44:34
Christopher Titmuss
Gaia House Retreat with Christopher Titmuss

1998-10-01 Awareness, Energy, Depth 45:22
Christopher Titmuss
Gaia House Retreat with Christopher Titmuss

1998-09-30 Wise Attention 2 of 3 62:03
Carol Wilson

1998-09-28 10 Perfections #3 58:58
Jack Kornfield
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1998-09-24 3 Month Course Introduction 45:02
Joseph Goldstein

1998-09-21 Virtue and the Virtuous 64:17
Jack Kornfield
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1998-09-15 Freedom From Addiction 58:37
Tara Brach
From the Buddhist perspective, craving is the cause of suffering. To the extent that we feel discomfort or suffering, we are identified with wanting life to be different is some way. This talk guides us in honesty facing our own areas of attachment, and explores the Buddhist teachings on freedom from addiction.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1998-09-05 Cultivation, the way out 66:18
Ajahn Sucitto

1998-09-01 Wise Intention 45:18
Christina Feldman
Gaia House Gaia House Retreat

1998-08-29 Neither Here Nor There, Nor In-Between 53:28
Christopher Titmuss
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

1998-08-29 Evoking the Fragility of Life, Part 4 of 4 37:44
Gavin Harrison

1998-08-29 Evoking the Fragility of Life, Part 3 of 4 49:35
Gavin Harrison

1998-08-29 Evoking the Fragility of Life, Part 2 of 4 40:24
Gavin Harrison

1998-08-29 Evoking the Fragility of Life, Part 1 of 4 60:21
Gavin Harrison

1998-08-25 It's The Dharma That Counts 43:52
Christopher Titmuss
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

1998-08-25 Projections, Roles, & Liberation 45:51
Christopher Titmuss
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

1998-08-24 Protecting Ourselves & Other Hopeless Endeavors 46:37
Christopher Titmuss
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

1998-08-24 Appreciation For Spirit Rock Sangha 38:19
Christopher Titmuss
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

1998-08-23 The Precept Vehicle 45:42
Gaia House Retreat with Thanissara

1998-08-22 Awareness & Revenge 36:55
Christopher Titmuss
revenge and the desire to hurt - gross or subtle - affects many areas of our lives. The emotion of loyalty can be a key factor.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Born on the 4th of July or After (8 days)

1998-08-22 Gratitude And Milarepa's Parting Song 33:50
Gaia House Retreat with Thanissara

1998-08-22 Awareness And Revenge 36:05
Christopher Titmuss
Gaia House Retreat with Christopher Titmuss

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