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Dharma Talks
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2019-08-26 11 talk: the five hindrances, with a focus on desire for sense pleasures 43:02
Jill Shepherd
An overview of what gets in the way of freedom, namely the five hindrances, with a focus on the first one, desire for sense pleasures
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Freedom Here and Now

2019-07-06 Regaining Your Strength - Absence of the Five Hindrances 37:18
Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery

2019-06-29 The Five Hindrances as a Vehicle to Freedom 59:20
Solwazi Johnson
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Belonging, Connection and Nature: Coming Home Together

2019-04-15 The Five Hindrances 50:56
DaRa Williams
Bellingham Insight Meditation Society :  Finding the Heart of Wisdom

2019-02-05 Five Hindrances 50:13
Bart van Melik
How five specific mindstates can be an obstacle to seeing the good in oneself and in others and how they can transform them through kind awareness.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Path to Awakening: Insight Meditation Retreat

2019-01-24 Equanimity (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 55:26
Christiane Wolf
Definition of Equanimity and how to practice it and the Five hindrances.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Trusting in Awareness, Trusting the Heart

2019-01-02 Ways that Hinder and Ways that Free 1:17:18
Nathan Glyde
Looking at the five hindrances as opportunities for exploration.
SanghaSeva Somnath Silent Retreat

2018-10-11 Supports for Steadying the mind: The Jhana Factors 59:55
Sally Armstrong
There are five factors that are supported for deepening concentration, known as the jhana factors. These factors are developed in any kind of intensive meditation practice but are particularly supportive of the development of samadhi. They also serve to counterbalance the hindrances. When the hindrances are not active, the mind and heart can be
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 1

2018-08-10 34 instructions: Seven Factors of Awakening 16:50
Jill Shepherd
An overview of the Seven Factors of Awakening, their relationship to the five hindrances, and their role in supporting insight
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Strengthening the two wings of Awakening: Wisdom and Compassion

2018-02-05 Five Hindrances 47:10
Jill Shepherd
An overview of the five hindrances and ways to transform them from obstacles to vehicles
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Path to Awakening: Insight Meditation Retreat

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